Amish Country

Yesterday's trip to Amish Country was a little disappointing. We traveled approximately 185 miles one way to buy butter that was made in Houston, Texas, and Straw Hats that were made in China. What's this world coming to? :)
The highlight of the trip was taking a five minute Horse and Buggy ride around the Yoder's Track. I learned that this sect of Amish believed in salvation by grace through faith, but believed in sprinkling for baptism.
Another disturbing piece of information was the doctrine of the Mennonites. I learned that they do not believe in security of the believer. I had always heard that the Mennonites and the Amish were related to our forefathers. Maybe at one time they held to the tenets of the faith, but have somewhat strayed from the Scriptures.
I am thankful that the Bible teaches that once we have accepted Christ as our Savior that we have everlasting life. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. In addition to what we believe about salvation, we believe that baptism is a symbolic picture of the burial and resurrection of Christ. Baptism has nothing to do with our salvation, but it is an answer of a good conscience toward God.
Whenever we begin to add or take away from the gospel, we are guilty of tampering with the Scriptures. It's Jesus, period, not Jesus comma. Thank you, Lord!
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