a g Jason's Jargon: Be Bold!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Be Bold!

I share this entry with you not to brag, but to encourage. This week has been a good week for evangelism. Russell and I shared our faith at another apartment complex this week, I had the opportunity to lead a 70 something year old lady to Christ, and I have had several opportunities to share my faith with people at Giant Eagle (a grocery store).

Through it all, God has spoken to me (not audibly), but very clearly. He has said, "Jason, Be Bold! If you will be bold I will continue to do great things through you and your church."

My fellow Christians, Why are we seeing a decline in church attendance today? Why are there so many problems within the churches? Is it because we are not focused on evangelism? Is it because we are too worried about what everyone else thinks, instead of what God thinks? Is it because we are content with the people that we have in our churches? Is it because we are doctrinally pure and everyone else is using trickery or deceit to lure people into their services? Only God knows the truth! But, if we will do our part in carrying out the gospel to the nations, God will bless us individually, and our churches.

Be Bold!


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