Wildlife Warrior
I just finished watching 20/20 with Barbara Walters and Terri Irwin. It was a great interview. Terri demonstrated enormous courage to talk about her life with the famous "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin.
When I heard that Steve Irwin had died it brought true sadness to my heart. I loved watching this guy. He was very passionate about his calling to conserve wildlife.
Throughout this interview, Terri repeatedly said that she and her family would be "Wildlife Warriors." What a statement! Steve Irwin spent his entire life (with excitement I might add) to save Crocodiles and other endangered species.
Now, if Christians were half as excited about their calling as Steve Irwin was to conserve Wildlife this world would be turned upside down. I honestly believe we'd see more disciples made, better communities, better churches, and of course, better families. What we need are some Warriors. We need people who are willing to take risks. Willing to do everything they can for Christ with excitement, zeal, enthusiasm and passion.
This world would be a different place if there were some Warriors.
Do you suppose Irwin would have been as influencial if he had stayed at the zoo and waited for crocs and other reptiles to come to him?
Maybe he could have started classes for how to care for crocs, how to find crocs, how to feed crocs, the dangers of crocs and even more.
He didn't though. The reason any of us even heard of the man was because his passion for his work drove him out where the need was.
Could there be a message in that for us?
The Croc Hunter had the demeanor that showed he had respect for the crocs but no fear.
As Warriors, with Christ we should be moving without FEAR!
Very good stuff!
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