On Preaching
From the mouth of a Mountaineer Football player..."We get yelled at enough. We just need someone to teach us (the Word)."
I wonder about our preaching today. Should we scream? Should we be eloquent? Should we be conversational?
I think we should know our culture and our audience. Since I've moved to Morgantown, my preaching style has changed. When in Texas, I always tried to fire it up. Why?
- Because that was my style (BTW, I still enjoy a good fiery sermon).
- Because people in East Texas (for the most part) enjoy a good fiery sermon.
Our culture is changing. The question we should ask, "Am I willing to change my style if it means I will be more effective?"
One time I preached at a church in East Texas, and after the first service the pastor pulled me aside and said, "Jason, your style of preaching is scaring these children. They come from homes where their parents are always screaming at one another." My arrogant response was, "Listen, if you don't like my preaching, then you can get someone else." How goofy! After a few more years of ministry under my belt, I finally understand what this seasoned pastor was trying to tell me. "KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE, STUPID!"
You didn't just call me "stupid" did you?! :o)
BTW - I updated by blog just for you!
hYou got it J, if we want to communicate effectively, we must know our culture.
WHAT'S WRONG WITH YELLING! hahaha...I'm just kidding.
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