Lessons Learned (Part 3)
- Embrace your meeting place (if you meet in a movie theatre, then embrace the place).
- It's not a bad thing to be a Mobile church (as a matter of fact it may be a little more flexible than having a building and land, it's definitely a lot cheaper). =)
- Take note: People in the early stages of the game will probably not be with you three years down the road.
- Find a person of peace who will gather a crowd for you.
- Visit other churches in your city to understand your community better.
- Build a Strategic Plan for reaching your community (a flow chart).
- Hang out with other church planters.
- Go to Conferences.
- Read Church Planting sites and blogs.
- Stay true to the Word of God!
- Always evaluate what you've done (Why do Coaches show film the first practice after the game?).
- Remain humble (it's not about you!).
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