The Creation Of Angels
For the past two weeks we have been studying Angels. We learned that they are Created beings, Spirit beings, Holy beings, Personal beings, Deathless beings, Unseen beings and they exist in orderly arrangement. There are also elect and non-elect angels.
One of the questions people always ask (when studying angels) is, "When were they created?" Elmer Towns says, "In relation to the time of creation for angels, three major views have emerged.
- The first endorses the view that angels were created in eternity past, well before Genesis chapter one.
- The second view places their creation during the creative process.
- The third believes the gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:3."
The more I study this topic, I, personally believe that the Angels were created during the creation process.
Exodus 20:11, "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."
Another reason I tend to lean toward the second view point:
- Satan was hurled down from heaven.
- Heaven wasn't created until the second day.
- The earth was created on the third day.
So, when God created the heavens, he created the angels, and when the angels saw the creation of the earth, they rejoiced in the creative work of God.
Let me know your thoughts. Have a great day!!!
It has been said that each of us have guardian angels. The main thing we need not to do, is worship them. We are to worship God and Him alone. The angels are messengers of God. They serve the purpose of the Father, and if the Father decides to give us a guardian angel then we should be forever grateful. Good thoughts, Mom.
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