a g Jason's Jargon: The StoneBridge Vision

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The StoneBridge Vision

Vision is a clear picture of what we see StoneBridge being; it is the product of God working in us. He creates the vision and we receive it. It becomes our rallying point; a goal toward which we move as His people. These are some of the things God has worked into our hearts and is stretching us to become.

  1. We envision a place where people are passionate about Jesus Christ, sharing the good news of the gospel to the thousands of residents in North Central West Virginia.
  2. We envision a place where unchurched people will feel welcome, where the hurting, the broken, the frustrated, and the confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.
  3. We envision leading people to become fully developing followers of Jesus Christ through worship, small groups, ministry involvement, and participation in missions.
  4. We envision a place where members of all ages are involved in ministry, working to glorify Jesus Christ in all we do.
  5. We envision a multi-cultural congregation working together with the same mind, purpose, and heart.
  6. We envision planting new churches in our region, West Virginia, the United States, and the world and training church planters from within our congregation to plant those churches.
  7. We envision multiplying and developing leaders within our church in order to better meet the needs of the people of Morgantown and North-Central West Virginia.
  8. We envision purchasing land (Down the Road) for a church campus which will meet the needs of this generation and the generations to follow.

"Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." Andy Stanley


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