a g Jason's Jargon: Kill The Little Foxes

Friday, July 28, 2006

Kill The Little Foxes

Song of Solomon 2:15 "Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes."

Mike and Deby Prince are visiting with us in Morgantown this weekend. We are having a good time with these two wonderful people. Mike has been our coach for the past couple of years. We have prayed together, laughed together and even cried together. We thank God for the relationship we have with him.

This morning Mike asked us what have we learned in the past few years concerning church planting. Here are some things we mentioned.

1. Put in at the beginning what you want at the end.

2. Be objective based instead of calendar based.

3. Always plan for twice as many people as you think you will have in your gatherings.

4. Kill the little foxes, before they turn into wolves.
(This is a lesson I learned in Seminary, but have recently lived it out in church planting). If you can catch the little foxes before they ruin your core group, then God can build a great church through your efforts. Little foxes left unattended will ruin your vineyard.

5. Never stop gathering people.

6. Take Risks.

7. Think BIG.

8. If you can help it, DON'T plant ALONE (Let God build your team).

9. Swim with the Swimmers.
There will always be Sanballats and Tobiahs trying to distract you from the vision.

10. Never come down from the Wall!!!

11. Remember, this(church planting) is BIGGER than you.

12. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

13. It does take money to do excellent ministry, but not to plant a church.

14. It helps to get recognized by the news.

15. Always preach the gospel.


At 2:44 PM, Blogger Aaron Johnson said...

Thanks for sharing those things you learned while in the trenches!


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