a g Jason's Jargon: Defining Assimilation

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Defining Assimilation

"The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture." -Online Dictionary

Today, I was asked, "What does assimilation look like in your church?"

Here's how I would answer that question:
  • First of all, assimilation starts with the staff of StoneBridge modeling authenticity, friendliness and a servant attitude toward those who attend our church. The minority group (being the guests who frequent our church) must see us setting the example.
  • Second, they (the minority group) need to see the core group modeling these qualities as well. It has been said that people determine whether or not they will make a second visit in the first seven minutes of their visit.
  • The third thing we like to do at StoneBridge is Fellowship. So, we try to invite people to "Gather Round the Good Stuff" (not Pizza Hut), but some kind of gathering where people can have their questions answered and we can get to know the people better.
  • Fourth, we try to plug people into a Small Group or a Life Transformation Group.
  • Fifth, we encourage everyone to attend StoneBridge 101 so that the people can know our story, our vision, our values, our mission, our beliefs, and how they can get involved in a ministry of our church.

Once people go through StoneBridge 101, if they want to become members then they have to sign a covenant card stating that they will protect the unity of our church, they will plug into a ministry, they will pray for and invite people to our church and they will give of themselves physically and financially.


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