a g Jason's Jargon: Baptism Service

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Baptism Service

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. It will all begin with services at the Warner, services at the Wharf, and then a baptism service at Morgantown Bible Church.

This has really been a burden for me. We have baptized one person this year. For the past several years, we have baptized at least nine people. I truly think that seeing people baptized is a good sign of healthy growth. In the Bible, when people accepted Christ, one of the first things they did was get baptized.

As a pastor, it bothers me that people who profess faith in Christ continue to put off baptism. I often second guess my teaching. Here are some of my thoughts, "Am I not teaching the importance of baptism? Have the people truly accepted Christ? Do they not understand the importance of publicly professing Christ as their Savior? Do they not want to get busy doing everything the Lord has told them to do?"

I know these thoughts are just another way for Satan to attack my mind, but it does bother me. I want people to be excited about the Lord. I want them to share their faith. I want them to be faithful to Christ. I want them to attend our services and small groups. I want them to pray and read their Bible. And then, I think..."There are times when I am not excited about the Lord. There are times that I don't want to share my faith. I don't want to be faithful to Christ...so on and so on..."

Then, God reminds me that He loves me no matter what I do or don't do. Of course it is His desire for us to obey Him. But, if we don't, this doesn't effect His love for us, it only reveals how much we don't love Him.

Dear Lord, please help us to love you, obey you and serve you with all of our hearts, minds and souls. Thank you for your continual love for us. Please help us to know you more. Help us to genuinely set an example for the congregation you've given us. In Jesus name. Amen.


At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there's one thing I know about you Jason, it's this: you love the Lord and His truth. I know that you are teaching His truth correctly. Just keep pressing on, diligently looking to Christ...He'll see you through! You're a great man of God!

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Sheff said...

Thanks, John. I appreciate those kind words of encouragement. Thanks for being my Barnabas.


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