a g Jason's Jargon: Averages

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


October's Attendance Average for StoneBridge Baptist Church was 57.2. We are pleased with the progress of our church, but never satisfied. We are seeing new people attend each week, and there is an excitement in the air.

This coming Sunday, we are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary as a church. God has truly blessed us. We have had some great victories in the past three years. This year alone (to our knowledge), there have been one hundred twenty-four professions of faith (one hundred and five of them took place during CityReach).

We moved to Morgantown to see the unchurched and unsaved population of Morgantown find a meaningful relationship with a local church and with the Savior. I believe we are doing a decent job in winning the lost, but our discipleship efforts have not been as good.

Our mission is to make more and better disciples. Our people are doing an awesome job! Now, we've got to pray, encourage, and involve people into our Small Groups. Small Groups are where people find encouragement, accountability, and knowledge of God's Word.


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