a g Jason's Jargon: Go Deep

Friday, January 05, 2007

Go Deep

Sunday starts a new series for the 2007 Church Year! I have entitled this series Go Deep! The main idea behind the series is to get people thinking about baptism, discipleship, and fellowship within StoneBridge Baptist Church.

I am excited to see how God is going to use this series of messages to impact the lives of people. I am excited to share with people the need to Go Deep with God.
So far (like most years), I have started the year out strong in my Bible reading. One of the things I am doing is reading three to four chapters a day in the New Testament. If I will continue this, I will be finished with the New Testament by the end of 90 days. This is exciting. I thank God for the New Year, because it gives me a fresh start at going deeper with the Lord.

If you have not started your daily Bible reading, I want to encourage you to find time each day to read three or four chapters. It really isn't that hard to do. It takes about 17-20 minutes per day. Come on, YOU CAN DO IT!
If you are an audio learner, you can go to Audio Bible to listen to Alexander Scourby read the entire Bible.

Whatever you do, do it all for the glory and honor of Christ. Peace!

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