a g Jason's Jargon: Handling Stressed Out Sheep

Friday, June 09, 2006

Handling Stressed Out Sheep

This Sunday's sermon deals with How To Handle Stress. I think it is so ironic that I have had a pretty stressful week, and I am preaching about How To Handle Stress.

I am so thankful that God orchestrates his plan and purpose in our lives. Today, 150 people arrive from around the country to participate in CityReach.

Last week, I began a new series of messages from the book of Psalms. This week's Psalm is Psalm 23:2, "He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters."

We have had people working hard all week from StoneBridge trying to tie up all of the loose ends of hosting an event like CityReach.

I am thankful for my staff, church members, and other volunteers who have stepped up to the plate to hit the "money ball".

Planning an event like CityReach takes a lot of help. Our board of nine, have been working solid for an entire year planning, praying, and preparing for what will take place in the next 7-8 days.

With the planning, prayers and preparation, we tend to get a little stressed when the clock is running down. One of the things we begin to do is start blaming others. We lash out, we feel unorganized, we gripe, we complain and we vow to never participate again.

However, after the week has passed, and lives were changed, we look back and say...."It's all been worth it! I can't wait to do this again."

Please pray for CityReach. For: David Vance, Arin Jenkins, Two Copper Coins and all of our ministry track leaders. Peace.


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