a g Jason's Jargon: Authentic Relationships

Friday, June 02, 2006

Authentic Relationships

Steve's a good guy, he's crazy about Kyle Busch, he loves Jesus and his girlfriend too (sing (read) in the tune of Free Falln, by Tom Petty).

This morning, Steve and I met for two hours discussing the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and our personal lives. I love visiting with him. He really is a good guy. He has a heart for Jesus.

One of the things I like about meeting with Steve is the fact that I can be real with him. If I don't finish my weekly Bible reading I don't feel guilty or awkward about telling the truth. This doesn't mean that I am not a truthful person, it just means that I feel more comfortable with my authenticity with Steve. He is not judgmental or condemning, but rather, understanding and interested in what I have to say. I thank God for sending friends in my life who genuinely care about what I have to say, and in return, I hope that I will be a friend to others who will listen attentively and genuinely express interest in what others are saying.

One of the reasons I am posting about this particular topic is because one of the Core Values for StoneBridge is: Authentic Relationships. The Behavior for this value is demonstrated by our willingness to speak the truth in love at every level of our fellowship. As a church, we must be willing to spur one another on in the Christian race. We must be willing to rebuke one another when there is sin abounding, and we must be willing to cry and laugh with one another during the different stages of our lives. I believe, I can honestly say that I have this type of friendship with Steve. Thank God for friends like this!!!


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