a g Jason's Jargon: Seven, Eleven, Two Thousand Six

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Seven, Eleven, Two Thousand Six

From now, until July 11, 2006 we will be pushed to the max!!!

There are some exciting things taking place in the life of StoneBridge. Next week, June 9-16, approximately One-hundred forty people will invade Morgantown, West Virginia. We call this week, CityReach. This is our third annual CityReach in Morgantown. This will be a week of non-stop, high octane, praise, worship, and ministry. By the time Friday comes we will be absolutely worn out.

One of the things I am looking forward to this summer is the multiplication of our HomeTeams. Our family HomeTeams are at capacity. We have been running approximately 23-24 people in one group when everyone is present. So, with that being said, I am looking forward to July 11, 2006.

Seven, Eleven, Two Thousand Six will be the day when we launch a new Family HomeTeam. This is a time of celebration. One of our goals for StoneBridge is to be a church of small groups. We envision every person who calls StoneBridge their home to be involved in a ministry, and in a HomeTeam.

The reason we have HomeTeams is to be relational and missional. When we are building relationships and accomplishing our mission as a church, we are fulfilling the great commission. StoneBridge Baptist Church exists to share God's love with the people of Morgantown and the world, in such a way that they have the best opportunity to become fully developing followers of Jesus Christ. To sum up our mission statement, our main objective as a church is to make more and better disciples.

As of right now, we have around 70% of our people involved in a HomeTeam. When people attend our church they should be asked at least two questions.

1. Did someone invite you to our church? If so, how can I connect you with them? If no one invited them, then ask them if they care to join you.

2. Are you involved in a HomeTeam? If not, would you like to be a part of a community of believers who meet together to pray and study the Bible on a weekly basis?

During the worship gathering on Sunday mornings, let us be intentional and inviting to the guests who visit our church. You never know, this may be our only opportunity to be Jesus to them. Peace.


At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.


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