a g Jason's Jargon: Seven Years Ago

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Seven Years Ago

Today marks the seventh year since my dad passed away. I can not believe it's been seven years. Where did time go?

I remember when I received the news that dad had passed away. I was finishing up a meeting at church, when Bro. Darrel came in to inform me that he had just received a call (from my brother) that my dad had passed away with a massive heart attack. Dad was 57 years old. Way too young.

Looking back on that day, my heart was totally broken. Some of the things I thought about when I heard the news:
  • This can't be true...denial.
  • I will never get the opportunity to hug my dad again.
  • I will never get to talk with dad again.
  • I hope dad is in heaven....I had talked to him several times about Christ, but never had a firm answer whether or not he knew for sure that he was going to heaven or not. I did receive confirmation from my mom that dad had prayed to receive Christ several years ago (Praise the Lord).

Now that dad has been gone for the past seven years there are so many times that I wish I could just sit down with him and chat about life. I wish he was able to see my beautiful kids, and I wish my kids could have known their Papaw. Papaw would have spoiled them rotten, just like their Mamaw does.

I know life is like a vapor, so I understand that we all have to die. I understand that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I am thankful that our Great Shepherd walks with us even in the Valley of the Shadow of death. I am glad that God walked with me through the pain, sorrow and the lonely days without my dad. I am thankful that even though I no longer have a dad on the earth, I have a Spiritual Father who will never leave me, nor forsake me. Praise be unto God!!!

My father's death has helped me help others. You see, life is about learning from your experiences so that you can encourage and help others. If you don't learn from the bad experiences, then how can you grow in your relationship with God and others? How can you help or encourage others? You simply can't. So, if you have had some bad things happen in your life, let God use these experiences to help you grow in your faith. Don't get bitter, get better!!! God Bless.


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