a g Jason's Jargon: Burning The Midnight Oil

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Burning The Midnight Oil

Russell started a new series last week entitled Y. Y-Grow! was the first of four messages in the Y Series.

Today, my message was Y-Jesus! I dealt with three reasons to follow Jesus. I was up past 2:00 a.m. this morning honing the message. Here are the reasons to become a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ.

1. Because you can trust Him!

2. Because He is coming again.

3. Because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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At 8:06 AM, Blogger Bro. Matt said...

Sounds like a great series.

Oh, by the way, did you see those Aggies beat t.u.?!? Whoop! Gig'em Aggies!

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Sheff said...

Yes sir! That was good for the Aggies! My Mountaineers got whooped, but at least the OHIO STATE Buckeyes will be playing for a National Championship.

I am riding the Buckeye Wagon since the Mountaineers are out! ;)


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