What is our Mission?
I read the first chapter of Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby last night. The book has me thinking. One of the first quotes taken from the book is: "People will follow spiritual leaders who understand God's agenda and who know how to move them on to it."
As I stated earlier, this book has me thinking...Am I a spiritual leader? Am I moving people on to God's agenda or my agenda? Do I honestly want to see true life change take place for the glory of Jesus or the glory of Jason? Galatians 6:14 says, "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (KJV)
As a church planter, pastor (and the greatest title), a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ I desire to see God use me (an ordinary person) to do extraordinary things. I have so far to go!!! If I am going to do extraordinary things for the Lord I must lead people to their purpose and passion in life. The Blackaby's said, "Given the opportunity, people gravitate to what gives them meaning, to what engages to the fullest their commitment, talent, energy, and skill." For those of you reading....hang with me for just a few more thoughts from this book.
On page 10 of Spiritual Leadership, Henry and Richard hammer their opinions about modern day churches compared to the days of old. "In times past, churches focused on the Great Commission. Today's churches adopt mission statements. In earlier times, churches spoke of building fellowship. Contemporary Christian leaders build teams and lead their people through team-building exercises. Churches used to put church signs in front of their buildings in the hopes of attracting people to their services. Today's churches use state-of-the-art marketing principles to reach their communities. Pastors of large churches (and some not so large) are beginning to act more like CEOs than shepherds."
This last statement is quite convicting. Who am I trying to be?????? Am I a CEO? NO!!! I am a God called, God sent, Spirit Led preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My prayer is that I will never succumb to the idea that I am in this for ME. As Rick Warren said, "It's not about me."
Lord, please help me to see the bigger picture. Help me to move people that you give me to your agenda and not mine. In the name of my wonderful Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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