a g Jason's Jargon: June 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006

Back in Motown

I have not logged on to the web since June 21st. It felt so good to be back!!! What did we do before the world of checking email, surfing the web, and blogging? Hmm...we actually got some work done. :)

Speaking of work, I am in panic mode...not really, but I do have a ton of work to complete before next week. I have five sermons to write, clothes to pack and many prayers to offer to the Lord.

I have been reading Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby and have enjoyed it tremendously. I have been praying for God's will concerning my sermon preparation. I don't need good sermons....I need GOD sermons.

Next week, I have been given the opportunity and privilege of preaching at Summit Lake Camp in Emmitsburg, Maryland. I am looking forward to offering God my best and seeing lives changed for the honor and glory of God.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Daytona Beach, Florida

First of all, I'm sorry for the double post, but wanted to blog just a bit about my time in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Monday: My family held up the flight to Orlando because of our tardiness, but God wanted us on that plane. On Southwest Airlines, God Saved Mark H. (a fifteen year old). Mark is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was awesome! As we were landing in Orlando, Mark was praying to receive Christ as his personal Savior. After arriving in Orlando, we went to TGI Fridays with the Johnson's. Great food, Good times. When we finally arrived in Daytona, Kristie and I took the kids to the beach. The water was absolutely wonderful. Josiah and Jaden had a wonderful time. Monday night, I got the opportunity to report to the messengers of the ABA concerning the work in Morgantown.

Tuesday: First, I went to the Youth Meeting where David Story led the music. It was really good. Then, I made my way over to the Peabody for the Missionary Committee Meeting. I wasn't too pleased with that meeting, but what can I say, that's what the Messenger Meeting is all about. Each messenger has a right to state their beliefs and values. After the morning meeting, I took the family to Cracker Barrel and Target. We spent four hours indoors. I was a little frustrated. Here we are in a Beach Town, and I'm stuck inside all day. Again, that's what the Messenger Meeting is all about. Last night, I went to the Messenger Assembly. Roger Copeland glorified the Lord in a great way. His message was top shelf. It was definitely great to hear a message that had no agendas, but centered around glorifying JESUS CHRIST. The highlight of the night was spending time with old friends. God is good!!!

Wednesday: Well, that's today. I started the day out right. I got up at 6:08 am, jumped in the shower and made my way down to the coffee shop to pay a bill, blog, and read the Word. I am excited about what this day has in store. Until next time...

The Boldness of John the Baptist

This morning in my devotional reading I couldn't help but think of the boldness of John the Baptist. In Mark 6, we find John rebuking Herod for his marriage to Herodias. Herodias was married to Philip (Herod's brother) but Herod took her as his wife. In Mark 6:18, John rebuked Herod. Take a look, "18 Because John had said to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." This comment cost John his life. Selah (think about this for a moment). John was willing to stand against the wickedness of humanity for the sake of the call.

Now, fast forward to 2006. The question is, "Are we willing to lose our lives for the sake of the call?" Honestly, I feel like such a coward. There are times when I won't even share my faith with others for fear of rejection. Come on!!! What is wrong with us? If we are going to see a revolution in America, we must step out and be strong and courageous.

My prayer for today is for God to help me to be bold. Help me share my faith with love, compassion, and boldness. I pray for God to give me the right answers to the difficult questions. I want to be used in God's service. I want to stand as my forefathers have stood. God, please grant me the strength to continue this wonderful fight.

Friday, June 16, 2006

And They Were Added To The Church...

The local church is the greatest institution on the face of the earth apart from the family. It is important that the Lord's churches make more and better disciples. We were never told to save anyone, but we were commanded to Go, Make Disciples, Baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and Teach Them to observe all things.

This week at CityReach there were 105 people who made public professions of faith. That's the good news. The bad news is these people will not all be discipled right away. For the next three weeks I will be out of town. So this is where true leadership takes place. It is my responsibility to equip the saints (at StoneBridge) to make more and better disciples. I will be working with Russell and David to correlate a plan to help these people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

It is always overwhelming, yet exciting to see so many people give their lives to Christ. Do we really believe that 3000 souls were saved and added to the first New Testament Church? YES!!! So, why do we doubt the power of God when 105 people make public professions of faith in four days? Many people will read our report from CityReach and will probably say, "Yea, sure, but I wonder how many of them are going to be baptized?" "How many of them were genuinely saved?" My answer is, "I DON'T KNOW." But, this one thing I do know...I am going to enjoy every minute of it. I am going to strive to the fullest to reach every person who made a public profession of faith to let them know that StoneBridge Baptist Church is a church that loves God and loves people.

Acts 2:41, "Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls."

Acts 2:47, "Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Impacting Morgantown

As of June 14th, God has saved 60 people in Morgantown!!! CityReach is in full effect. There are approximately 140 people from around the country reaching this city with the gospel. We are exhausted, but yet we press on.

There are churches from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Maryland, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and of course the great state of WEST VIRGINIA present. Pastor David Vance is doing a phenomenal job with the messages, and of course, Arin Jenkins is rockn' as usual.

I love the spirit behind CityReach. The fellas who make up our board are top shelf. Until next time...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Handling Stressed Out Sheep

This Sunday's sermon deals with How To Handle Stress. I think it is so ironic that I have had a pretty stressful week, and I am preaching about How To Handle Stress.

I am so thankful that God orchestrates his plan and purpose in our lives. Today, 150 people arrive from around the country to participate in CityReach.

Last week, I began a new series of messages from the book of Psalms. This week's Psalm is Psalm 23:2, "He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters."

We have had people working hard all week from StoneBridge trying to tie up all of the loose ends of hosting an event like CityReach.

I am thankful for my staff, church members, and other volunteers who have stepped up to the plate to hit the "money ball".

Planning an event like CityReach takes a lot of help. Our board of nine, have been working solid for an entire year planning, praying, and preparing for what will take place in the next 7-8 days.

With the planning, prayers and preparation, we tend to get a little stressed when the clock is running down. One of the things we begin to do is start blaming others. We lash out, we feel unorganized, we gripe, we complain and we vow to never participate again.

However, after the week has passed, and lives were changed, we look back and say...."It's all been worth it! I can't wait to do this again."

Please pray for CityReach. For: David Vance, Arin Jenkins, Two Copper Coins and all of our ministry track leaders. Peace.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Search For Mom And Baby Ends

Kristie and I received a call yesterday from David Holtzaphel informing us that his wife and infant son, Tracy and Jacob were missing. Tracy has been attending our church for approximately 8-10 months.

Last night our church had special prayer for Tracy, Jacob, and family. We are so grateful to hear that both mom and baby came home unharmed.

For more information read: WBOY

Monday, June 05, 2006

WVAQ Interview

Well, I just finished up the interview with Eric McGuire on WVAQ. I thought it went really well. I was a little nervous, but it all worked out. As soon as I finished the interview, we received our first phone call.

We have never tried radio advertisement as a means of getting the word out, so we are looking forward to seeing if it works in our city.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

Seven, Eleven, Two Thousand Six

From now, until July 11, 2006 we will be pushed to the max!!!

There are some exciting things taking place in the life of StoneBridge. Next week, June 9-16, approximately One-hundred forty people will invade Morgantown, West Virginia. We call this week, CityReach. This is our third annual CityReach in Morgantown. This will be a week of non-stop, high octane, praise, worship, and ministry. By the time Friday comes we will be absolutely worn out.

One of the things I am looking forward to this summer is the multiplication of our HomeTeams. Our family HomeTeams are at capacity. We have been running approximately 23-24 people in one group when everyone is present. So, with that being said, I am looking forward to July 11, 2006.

Seven, Eleven, Two Thousand Six will be the day when we launch a new Family HomeTeam. This is a time of celebration. One of our goals for StoneBridge is to be a church of small groups. We envision every person who calls StoneBridge their home to be involved in a ministry, and in a HomeTeam.

The reason we have HomeTeams is to be relational and missional. When we are building relationships and accomplishing our mission as a church, we are fulfilling the great commission. StoneBridge Baptist Church exists to share God's love with the people of Morgantown and the world, in such a way that they have the best opportunity to become fully developing followers of Jesus Christ. To sum up our mission statement, our main objective as a church is to make more and better disciples.

As of right now, we have around 70% of our people involved in a HomeTeam. When people attend our church they should be asked at least two questions.

1. Did someone invite you to our church? If so, how can I connect you with them? If no one invited them, then ask them if they care to join you.

2. Are you involved in a HomeTeam? If not, would you like to be a part of a community of believers who meet together to pray and study the Bible on a weekly basis?

During the worship gathering on Sunday mornings, let us be intentional and inviting to the guests who visit our church. You never know, this may be our only opportunity to be Jesus to them. Peace.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Secret to Satisfaction

Looking over the points for my message tomorrow has provoked me to think about true satisfaction.

Tomorrow, I begin a new series on the 23rd Psalm. Psalm 23:1, "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want."

The late Adrian Rogers said, "It has been quoted in the nursery, on the battlefield, and at weddings and funerals. It is sweet to the little child and perplexing to a scholar."

Another expositor said, "The Word of God is deep enough for the scholars to swim in without ever touching bottom, and yet shallow enough for a little child to come and drink without fear of drowning."

The only way we can truly say "I shall not want", is when we can say "The LORD is my shepherd".

When will we ever get to the point in our lives when we can say as the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4..."I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances..."?

May God richly bless each of you as you prepare for the worship gathering at your local church.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Authentic Relationships

Steve's a good guy, he's crazy about Kyle Busch, he loves Jesus and his girlfriend too (sing (read) in the tune of Free Falln, by Tom Petty).

This morning, Steve and I met for two hours discussing the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and our personal lives. I love visiting with him. He really is a good guy. He has a heart for Jesus.

One of the things I like about meeting with Steve is the fact that I can be real with him. If I don't finish my weekly Bible reading I don't feel guilty or awkward about telling the truth. This doesn't mean that I am not a truthful person, it just means that I feel more comfortable with my authenticity with Steve. He is not judgmental or condemning, but rather, understanding and interested in what I have to say. I thank God for sending friends in my life who genuinely care about what I have to say, and in return, I hope that I will be a friend to others who will listen attentively and genuinely express interest in what others are saying.

One of the reasons I am posting about this particular topic is because one of the Core Values for StoneBridge is: Authentic Relationships. The Behavior for this value is demonstrated by our willingness to speak the truth in love at every level of our fellowship. As a church, we must be willing to spur one another on in the Christian race. We must be willing to rebuke one another when there is sin abounding, and we must be willing to cry and laugh with one another during the different stages of our lives. I believe, I can honestly say that I have this type of friendship with Steve. Thank God for friends like this!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's Crunch Time

It's crunch time in Morgantown!!! I have several projects that need to be finished by at least June 9th.

1) Psalm 23 Sermon Series

2) CityReach items

3) Vacation Plans made

4) MN8 Sermon Series Completed

Let me scream for just a minute: SCREAM!!!!!!!!

Ok, now that I have finished whining...This morning Russell and I went to WVAQ to record our radio ad for our four day Sports Camp. We are excited to see how God will use this "spot" to create a buzz in our community. We are hoping our camp will reach unchurched and unsaved families.

For the past three years we have been casting our nets in Morgantown. CityReach has been a wonderful opportunity for our church. Last year, there were 68 professions of faith. One of the main challenges we have as a church is to disciple each person who will begin a relationship with Jesus Christ during the week of CityReach.