a g Jason's Jargon: May 2006

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Day Out on the Golf Course

I had a great time today hanging out with some fellas playing a round of golf. The weather was absolutely gorgeous.

There are several things that I should have been doing(sermon building for Sunday, Sermon building for a youth camp in July and finishing up the last couple of items for CityReach) but since the golf was free, I thought I'd better take advantage of this opportunity. One of the guys that I played with has been investigating Christianity. He is a great guy. He is a great dad. He is a great person. But, as far as I know, He still has not committed his life to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. My heart's desire and prayer to God for ___________ is that he might be saved.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about what my mission has been for Christ. Do I really have compassion for the lost? Am I sharing my faith with those around me? Am I being a testimony of the greatness of Christ with both my words and actions? These are questions which have been tormenting me lately. Man, I want to be so much for Christ, but my flesh seems to pull me down. I thank God for sending godly men to encourage me. The other night, I was talking to a former pastor of mine who truly encouraged me. He said, "Growth is not always a sign of success." My fleshly thoughts were, "Yea, but it sure does help." Haha. I guess it all goes back to the question: Am I doing this for Jesus or Jason? Jesus is definitely my answer, but in the middle of the response is that little inside voice screaming..."You are doing this for Jason."

May God help all of us to crucify our flesh on a daily basis so that we can truly do this for JESUS.

I can hear the roar of the heroes which have gone on before us, saying, "I'm on your team!!! You can do it!!!"

Monday, May 29, 2006

Happy Birthday

Today is my brother's 38th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Jim. I love you man.

This is a picture of my brother and his wife, Felicia.

Times of Refreshing

Yesterday's message was entitled: Forgiveness-Times of Refreshing.

My message dealt with three important principles concerning Forgiveness.




My aim was for our people to see the importance of being forgiven. God wants all people everywhere to know that they can be forgiven. So, if we can be forgiven, why do we hold on to things that only hinder our progress? Paul stated in Philippians 3:13-14, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

I am thankful for the "one thing" that Paul mentioned in this text. Forget the Past! Reach Forth to the Future!

If we are going to prosper, we must forget the past failures and the past successes.

I am trying hard not to live in the past.

If I am going to be a Visionary (Spiritual) Leader, I must move myself from my agenda to God's agenda. Then, and only then, will I be able to move others from their agenda to God's agenda. What is God's AGENDA? His agenda is for the churches of Jesus Christ to make more and better disciples.

Lord, God in Heaven, please help me to be a leader of leaders. Help me to fall down at your feet surrendering my will, so that I can accomplish your will. In Jesus name. Amen.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Quick Update

Well, it is 3:19 a.m. and I have finally finished my message for this morning. I have been in Ohio all week visiting with my mother in the hospital. This past Tuesday, she drove herself to the hospital complaining about chest pains and an irregular heartbeat. She is doing some better, but is still experiencing some irregular heartbeats.

Kristie and I arrived home later than what we expected. As soon as we arrived, we tried to unload the car and get the kids ready for bed. I hurried off in a mad dash changing diapers, dressing kids, reading a story from the Bible and making sure we follow all of the orders from my 2 1/2 year old. "Dad, are we going to read our Bible story?" "Dad, are we going to pray?" Yes, son.

Man, am I ever grateful for a son who keeps his dad in check. I love you, son. So much, so much. :)

To everyone who reads my blog...I hope you have an awesome time worshiping the Lord today. Peace

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Good Family, Good Friends, Good Times

There are two good things about coming home: Family & Friends

As I reflect on this thought, I am so very thankful to have such wonderful people in my life. I am the person that I am today, because of the love and support that I have received from the good folks of Southwestern Ohio.

Tonight, after visiting with my mother at the hospital we came back to my brother's house to eat Richard's Steak Sandwiches and Pizza. There is no other place in the world (to my knowledge) where you can get a delicious Steak Sandwich. Let me describe it for you: A toasted buttered bun, a slab of Angus steak (Subway style), with Pizza Sauce, mozzarella Cheese, pickles and onions. Hmm, Hmm good.

Ok, so now that I have told you a little bit about Southwestern Ohio Culture let me get back to my original post. I love visiting with my family and friends. It is always filled with "good times."

Tonight, two childhood friends and their kids visited with us. We reminisced about old times, while our kids ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. First, there is Marty Mar. Marty Mar is the reason I know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. His mom and dad were my spiritual parents in the Lord. Then, there is Mac. Mac and I have been friends for a long time. We played sports together for years. In High School, his home was my home away from home. Several years ago I was able to lead Mac's wife to saving faith in Christ. It was an awesome night!!!

I can proudly say that these two young men are still serving the Lord. I am thankful that they are leading their families on the spiritual journey. Thinking of all of this, I ask the question: Isn't it amazing what God can do when we are totally surrendered to Him?

Stuck in Smallville

Disclaimer: I have nothing against small towns (except no access to a coffee shop with Wi-Fi)

This morning I woke up thinking that I would be able to get some work done in a little coffee shop or something with a Wi-Fi connection, but that didn't work. I am in Ohio staying with my brother while my mom is in the hospital.

I traveled around town trying to locate the perfect (Panera Bread) place to get some work done, but to no avail. So, after a 20 oz. Diet Pepsi, a half coffee/half cappuccino, and a trip to pay respects to my dad's place of burial I am back at my brother's house blogging.

Mom said she had a rough night last night. She woke up around 5 a.m. this morning coughing her lungs out. Dr. Sternburg (the lung Dr.) will be doing a procedure on her tomorrow morning to scrape her lungs.

My plans are to let the kids finish their naps and then head to the hospital. My brother is taking a half day today so that we can go through some of mom's stuff. We are trying to get her house cleaned up so that we can get her house sold. After my dad died in 99' mom has been living in a house that is simply too big. Maybe after cleaning the house we will be able to find mom an apartment. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Prayer for Mom

My brother called today informing me that Mom was admitted to the local hospital in Ohio. Kristie and I spent all afternoon packing up our clothes and getting ready for the 6 hour trip. I guess it was around 7:45 p.m. when we started our journey. We were traveling down Brookhaven Road when we realized that we did not pack the kids bed sheets, Kristie's pajamas, and Nelson (our dog) didn't have his allergy medicine. On top of all of that, none of us had even eaten supper. So, we decided to get an early start tomorrow. Our plans are to be on the road bright and early.

Now that Mom is in the hospital she seems to be feeling a lot better. They have had her on oxygen most of the day. The Doctors told her that she has pneumonia. She will probably be in the hospital for the next couple of days. So, I am asking all of my friends to lift her up in your prayers.

Monday, May 22, 2006

CityReach is upon us!!! In less than three weeks, over 130 people will converge on the city of Morgantown. I am excited to see how God is going use our churches to impact the lives of people. The CityReach Board has been busy for the past year, planning, praying and promoting this great event to equip students, encourage a local church and transform the lives of people in our great city.

Several tracks will be available during the week of CityReach. Students will participate in a Sports Camp, Absolutely "Free" Car Wash, Christian Opinion Polls and Construction Ministry. This is a great opportunity for StoneBridge to impact our community with Acts of Kindness. Man, am I ever excited. This will be our third year hosting CityReach in Morgantown. I believe that many of our people will take an active part in this week of Ministry. For the first time in three years, our church is finally uniting together for the common goal of "Sharing God's Love with the people of Morgantown and the world."

I am looking forward to hearing from God through our evangelist, Pastor David Vance. David is from Bowie, Maryland. He is on staff at Grace Baptist Church. Grace is the largest church in our Association. So, with that being said, I am looking forward to the messages.

Not only am I looking forward to hearing from David, but am looking forward to worshiping the Lord as Arin Jenkins and Two Copper Coins will be leading our worship each night. I don't know if I have ever experienced God (in singing) like I have at CityReach. There is always a great sense of freedom.

Let us think BIG. Let us set goals. Let us win the lost. Let us make more and better disciples. Peace.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Excited About Tomorrow

Sundays are always exciting and unpredictible at StoneBridge. Exciting, because we come together corporately to worship Jesus Christ in a Movie Theatre. There is at least one time per week where we get to redeem the Marketplace for Christ. The Marketplace for StoneBridge is Downtown Morgantown.

Recently, we have been investigating the possibility of relocating to another theater in town (Hollywood Theaters). BUT, we were told that Wallace Theaters do not lease out their facilities to churches. So, we feel confident that the Lord has us downtown for a reason. I am exciting about what God is doing.

Unpredictible, because you never know who will show up or not show up. Last Sunday, I was thinking that I was not going to show up. For the past several months I have been hitching up the trailer by myself. This past Sunday was no different, except the trailer fell off of the rock, hence, leaving the trailer on the ground. There was no way I was able to pick the trailer up by myself, thankfully, Pastor Jim Cooley came to the rescue.

For what that is all worth, I am looking forward to another Sunday full of Excitement and Adventure.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What is our Mission?

I read the first chapter of Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby last night. The book has me thinking. One of the first quotes taken from the book is: "People will follow spiritual leaders who understand God's agenda and who know how to move them on to it."

As I stated earlier, this book has me thinking...Am I a spiritual leader? Am I moving people on to God's agenda or my agenda? Do I honestly want to see true life change take place for the glory of Jesus or the glory of Jason? Galatians 6:14 says, "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (KJV)

As a church planter, pastor (and the greatest title), a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ I desire to see God use me (an ordinary person) to do extraordinary things. I have so far to go!!! If I am going to do extraordinary things for the Lord I must lead people to their purpose and passion in life. The Blackaby's said, "Given the opportunity, people gravitate to what gives them meaning, to what engages to the fullest their commitment, talent, energy, and skill." For those of you reading....hang with me for just a few more thoughts from this book.

On page 10 of Spiritual Leadership, Henry and Richard hammer their opinions about modern day churches compared to the days of old. "In times past, churches focused on the Great Commission. Today's churches adopt mission statements. In earlier times, churches spoke of building fellowship. Contemporary Christian leaders build teams and lead their people through team-building exercises. Churches used to put church signs in front of their buildings in the hopes of attracting people to their services. Today's churches use state-of-the-art marketing principles to reach their communities. Pastors of large churches (and some not so large) are beginning to act more like CEOs than shepherds."

This last statement is quite convicting. Who am I trying to be?????? Am I a CEO? NO!!! I am a God called, God sent, Spirit Led preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. My prayer is that I will never succumb to the idea that I am in this for ME. As Rick Warren said, "It's not about me."

Lord, please help me to see the bigger picture. Help me to move people that you give me to your agenda and not mine. In the name of my wonderful Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Discussing the Da Vinci Code

While at the office today (Panera Bread) I ran across a sermon concerning the Da Vinci Code, written by Lee Strobel. The title of the "article" or "sermon" was Leveraging the Da Vinci Code. To check it out, click on the link: http://www.sermoncentral.com/sermon.asp?SermonID=90684&ContributorID=11637

Concerning the book and the movie, Lee gives a four-fold agenda for Christians:

1. Pray

2. Prepare.

3. Participate.

4. Partner.

He used the example of Paul in Athens. Lee said, "And we have the same choice Paul faced in the first century: we can lash out or we can reach out – and based on the Paul’s approach, I think our decision is clear. Let’s build bridges like Paul did by celebrating that many people are becoming spiritually curious because of the book and movie – and seize this opportunity to engage them in conversations that could change their lives and eternities."

To be honest with all of my blog readers (all three of you) I was really hesitant about preaching a message about debunking the Da Vinci Code.

1. I've not done my homework. I.E. I have not read the book. Hopefully, I will get to see the movie to at least say, "I have seen the movie."

2. I'm a little frightened. Not frightened that the Da Vinci Code will affect my theology of God, but that I will not be as educated as I should be, because I haven't read the book.

3. I think with the left part of my brain. I am more of a logical thinker than a philosopher. To state it in a more simplier way, "I believe the Bible." The Bible says nothing of Jesus having kids, marrying Mary Magdelene or any other FICTICIOUS stories that Dan Brown writes about. Mark Gudgel said, "The first thing that I think of when I think of Da Vinci is that the book is, in fact, fiction."

My advice for all of us is to take Jesus to the Marketplace. Acts 17:16-18, "16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols. 17 Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshipers, and in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there. 18 Then certain Epicurean and Stoic philosophers encountered him. And some said, "What does this babbler want to say?" Others said, "He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign gods," because he preached to them Jesus and the resurrection."

So, to close out this blog, let's use this as a way to share Jesus with a spiritually curious group of people, and engage them in conversation about the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I have been totaly frustrated with my computer and internet system as of lately. I have been without a connection since last Thursday night. Finally, after plugging an Ethernet cable here, and an Ethernet cable there...I AM BACK ONLINE AND IT FEELS REALLY GOOD. I just had to get that off of my chest.

After saying all of that, I still have problems because my desktop does not connect to the internet. Right now, I am working off of my laptop bringing the blogging world the great thoughts of a church planter in West Virginia(haha).

Yesterday's service was average(in my opinion). We had 45 people present with several out of town guests. We were able to honor eleven mothers in our service, which was awesome. It was the largest gathering of mothers (on Mother's Day) in the history of StoneBridge Baptist Church.

Today, Russell told me that the Hollywood Theaters are not an option for our church. The management turned us down. When I heard the news, it was like God confirmed to me that we are still needed in downtown Morgantown. Also, Russell said the college students were not feeling it at Hollywood. I think God is protecting our church from making a huge mistake. Thank you Lord. Russell and I continue to talk about the possibility of meeting in the new Theaters which will be located off of 705. I guess we won't know until we cross that bridge. Where ever God wants us, I know that I will strive to the best of my ability to lead our church to be the best church on the corner, and not so much the best on the cover. Until next time...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Awkward Situations

Student Life puts out a video for teenagers called "Awkward Situations." I love it. They have different scenes where a guy ask another girl out and it ends up being an awkward situation...and the jingle goes "AwK WARD SiTuAtions, what would you do?"

There are many times throughout Morgantown that I run into people who previously went to our church. Talk about an Awkward Situation. I'm thinking, "So, what do I say to these folks who left our church for no apparent reason?" Do you ask about their church life? Do you just be yourself (which I honestly try to do)? or do you just act like you didn't see them so they won't feel awkward either?

Most of the time, they have this look on their face like, "Oh, crap, there's Jason." I bet he's going to ask me about my church life. Today, was one of those days. I ran into some people who attended our church in the past. At first it was an awkward situation, but after the conversation began, I tried to make them feel comfortable. I didn't ask them about church or any spiritual questions. I simply tried to be myself and just let them know it was genuinely good to see them. I think for most of us (Christians), we try to hard. We need to learn to just relax, be ourself and allow the Holy Spirit to simply use our life as an example of His wonderful love and grace.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

When Time Management Doesn't Work

Thursdays are usually a day of sermon preparation, but today was not one of those days. I got up this morning, took my morning shower, made breakfast, then made my way down stairs for a two hour CityReach Conference Call Meeting. The meeting went really well and we talked about a lot of things that still need to be ironed out, but I am so far from where I want to be on my sermon prep time it's pitiful. Don't you just hate it when your time is not being used the way you think it should be used? I know I do. There are so many days where I have good intentions, but just don't get it done. I am in desparate need of a Time Management Makeover. I try to work really hard, but sometimes look back on my day and say, "What in the world did I do with my time today?"

I was talking to Kristie the other day about having a desire to attend a Time Management Conference. I believe Franklin Covey holds a conference on a monthly basis around the country. I know that if I attended one of these conferences it would only help me as a leader to learn to say, "NO," and learn to Manage my time by prioritizing my day. I have all of the tools to accomplish Time Management, but it is the busyness of the day that manages me. The tyrany of nothingness that ruins my day.

Lord, here I am, a man who desparately needs your help with time management, Biblical wisdom and the tools to make application to every message that I preach.

Several statements were made at the Buzz Conference. First, "Sixty-nine percent of Jesus' teaching was application." Second, Ed Young said, "Information without Application is an Abomination." I totally agree.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Thinking of Mother's Day

Today is Wednesday, May 10, 2006. As I sit in my office (Panera Bread), I think about Sunday. Sunday is Mother's Day. There are several things I could say about Mothers, but what can I specifically say to my people on Sunday about Mothers.

A few thoughts about my mother.

1. My Mom is a great woman who truly sacrificed for me, my brother, and my sister.

2. My Mom has constantly supported me in everything that I have done.

3. My Mom loves me unconditionally.

4. My Mom loves to see me smile.

5. My Mom has always given me advice (even if I didn't ask for it).

6. My Mom loves to ask questions (which, actually makes her a pretty good leader according to Ed Young Jr.). Ed says, "Never stop asking questions." My momma always said, "You'll never know anything unless you ask."

7. My Mom has a heart as big as Texas. She loves her kids and grandkids and would do anything she could to make us happy.

So now that I gotten sentimental, I still have to ask myself, "What can I say to our people about Mother's Day?" More importantly, the question should be, "What does God want me to say to our people about Mother's Day?" I guess I'll have to wait and see where the Lord is working, and pray for God to reveal to me the message that He would have me deliver to the people called StoneBridge Baptist Church.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hangn' Out with a Fellow Church Planter

Bright and early this morning I made my way to Washington, Pennsylvania to meet with Pastor Scott Bates, Mercer, PA. We hung out most of the morning at Panera Bread discussing Chapter 2 and 3 of the Church Planter's Toolkit. He is such a great guy. I truly enjoyed getting to know him better. Scott and his family moved to Mercer, PA from Prattsville, AR about four months ago and are getting accustomed to the Western Pennsylvania area.

My first thought: "This guy looks just like Rob Schneider."

My second thought: "You can DO IT, all night long." (Waterboy)

Ok, for those of you who are reading my blog, you maybe thinking, "I can't believe he said that." But, before you said that, you probably laughed. It's a funny scene in the movie.

After our meeting, we had a wonderful meal at Ponderosa Steakhouse. I am glad that my wife and kids were able to make the journey with me. While we met at Panera, they were shopping. I sure hope they had a good time.

After rushing around Washington, we made haste to Morgantown for our Tuesday evening HomeTeam Fellowship. You might know it, we were late. We arrived 15 minutes after 6. I can't stand being late, but it seems to follow me everywhere I go. Thank the Lord for Sunday morning set up at the Theatre, or I might even be late for services (I doubt it very seriously). We had a good time of fellowship tonight at the Butcher's. We watched Steve Saint's story about a tribe of Indians called the Aucas. To know more check out this site. http://http://www.beyondthegatesthemovie.com/ What an amazing story!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows Your name.
You wanna go where people know, people are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.
If you weren't born yesterday then you know the story behind these lyrics. It is the theme song to "Cheers." Yesterday, I had the privilege of preaching on this topic: Where Everybody Knows Your Name. My aim for the message was to convey a message which deals with Creating Community within the four walls of the local church.
The passages of Scripture I used were, John 1:43-51 and Matthew 9:9-13. There were four principles I used to help us understand the importance of community.
1.) We must Remember Names.
2.) We must Be Authentic.
3.) We must Share Lunch Together.
4.) We must Join a Small Group.
I had a really good time communicating these principles to our people. Our people did a fantastic job of encouarging and welcoming guests yesterday. We have some of the best people on the planet. I thank God that He is using StoneBridge Baptist Church to impact our community.
We had a total of 48 people in attendance with several returned guests. God is at work! He is forming, shaping and molding our church and bringing people into our fellowship that will help advance the cause of Christ. It's an exciting time to be a part of this church.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Buzz Conference 06

What an amazing conference for creativity and resources!!! I was reminded of several things that need to take place in order to become a creative leader. First, I just need to be me. I am not Ed Young, Mark Batterson, Joel Osteen or any other person. I am who I am, and for what that's worth I need to use the creative juices that the Lord has given me and become the best leader that I can possibly be. Second, I think it's cool to go to a conference where you can learn new methods to bring back to your field of labor.

One of the amazing things that took place at this conference was watching leaders in action. I thought the staff at the Buzz Conference were totally helpful and generous. It was amazing how each person was an individual, but yet, continually shared the vision with their lead pastor. I give Tally Wilgis the reward for the question of the conference. His question was (Paraphrased) : "There are many Lead or Sr. Pastors at this conference, What is it about Mark Batterson leadership that causes you to follow him and the vision of NCC?" The staff's responded with these comments: His passion (he wears his heart on his sleeve), flexibility, belief in his people, words of encouragement and affirmation, ideas, creativity, uniqueness, vision, empowerment of people, commitment to his family, his belief that you should work hard and play hard, have fun and the ability to give the staff raises.

Overall, I thought the Buzz Conference was good for me and my staff.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Authenticity, Passion and Excitement

I love to see people who are real. I love to see people with passion. I love to see people excited about what God is doing in their lives. Adam S. is this type of person. Saved at a young age he somewhat drifted away from the Lord. On January 29, 2006, after a HomeTeam at Manny's, Adam rededicated his life to Jesus Christ.

This past Sunday, I had the privilege of baptizing this young man. I know God is going to use Adam in a great way. If he will continue to submit himself to the righteousness of Christ it is untelling what God is going to do with him.

Listening to Adam talk about his relationship with Christ was refreshing. It is so good to see people share their testimony with zeal, enthusiam and passion. As the tears ran down his face, he began to tell us that He desires for God to use Him in whatever capacity he can be used. My prayer for Adam, and for all of our people is that we would never stop being real, passionate and excited about the transformation that has taken place in our own lives. We believe and affirm that Jesus Christ is the Lord of our lives and that we want to be used by Him to be Agents of Transformation. This can only take place when we lay aside our wants, desires and passions and follow HIS. Have a great day!!!