a g Jason's Jargon: July 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Flo And Mo Attend StoneBridge

We are thankful for our recent guests (Flo and Mo) who have been showing up at StoneBridge. Flo has attended our church in the past, but her husband Mo is a new guest at our church.

Flo is very smooth and crisp, while Mo is like a snowball falling down the mountain growing larger and larger as he picks up speed. God has been good to send these two wonderful guests to our church. Every church needs a Flo and a Mo. If you don't have Flo and Mo then you are in big trouble.

Who are these guests? Well, Flo is the Flow that you receive in your services when you do things intentional. Flow happens when you strive for excellence. When you've prayed up, looked up, preached up, and lifted up the name of Jesus. When these things take place, Flo comes in as a welcomed guest.

Mo on the other hand is the Momentum that the Lord's churches get when they begin to see God work in their lives and when they actively join God at His work.

I am excited about what God is doing at StoneBridge. This week, we begin two new small groups, bringing our total of small groups to four. When College begins in August we should be up to at least six new groups. Multiplication is starting to naturally take place. Praise God!!! It is a good time to be at StoneBridge Baptist Church.

Did You Know?

Louie Giglio's father was the artist who created the Chick-Fil-A logo. Today, Chick-Fil-A free-standing restaurants achieve higher sales per unit than McDonald's and Burger King, despite the fact that they are closed on Sundays.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Unfinished Sentences...Les Christie

Tonight's blog is simply for fun. I broke out an old youth ministry book entitled Unfinished Sentences. The book was written by Les Christie. The idea of this book is to simply get people in your small groups talking. Here are a couple of examples, and at the end I will use one of these statements to finish my thoughts.

Here are three examples:
  1. #207, After I die I want people to remember me as...
  2. #312, The biggest help in my prayer life has been...
  3. #372, The thing I remember most about my first job was...

I will use comment #431 to finish my blog entry tonight:

#431, What has been most helpful to me in remembering people's names is to first of all say their name several times before we end our conversation. Then, I like to write the person's name in my notebook so that the next time I see them, I will be able to remember their name.

Remembering people's names is powerful. If you want to make a difference in a person's life, remember their name.

There is a guy in our church who has been attending for a little over a year. One of the main reasons he came to StoneBridge was because I remembered his name.

Remember this story the next time you are casually talking with someone. This person could be the next great church planter or evangelist.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Kill The Little Foxes

Song of Solomon 2:15 "Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes."

Mike and Deby Prince are visiting with us in Morgantown this weekend. We are having a good time with these two wonderful people. Mike has been our coach for the past couple of years. We have prayed together, laughed together and even cried together. We thank God for the relationship we have with him.

This morning Mike asked us what have we learned in the past few years concerning church planting. Here are some things we mentioned.

1. Put in at the beginning what you want at the end.

2. Be objective based instead of calendar based.

3. Always plan for twice as many people as you think you will have in your gatherings.

4. Kill the little foxes, before they turn into wolves.
(This is a lesson I learned in Seminary, but have recently lived it out in church planting). If you can catch the little foxes before they ruin your core group, then God can build a great church through your efforts. Little foxes left unattended will ruin your vineyard.

5. Never stop gathering people.

6. Take Risks.

7. Think BIG.

8. If you can help it, DON'T plant ALONE (Let God build your team).

9. Swim with the Swimmers.
There will always be Sanballats and Tobiahs trying to distract you from the vision.

10. Never come down from the Wall!!!

11. Remember, this(church planting) is BIGGER than you.

12. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

13. It does take money to do excellent ministry, but not to plant a church.

14. It helps to get recognized by the news.

15. Always preach the gospel.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Happy Birthday To My Sweet Girl

Happy 1st Birthday Jaden. Daddy loves you so much.

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Why Do We Do What We Do?

Why do we do what we do?

This morning I was reading the gospel according to Mark.

In Mark 1:38, Jesus informs his listeners of the reason He was on the earth. Mark 1:38, "38 But He said to them, "Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth."

Then again in Mark 2:17c, "I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance."

So, the answer to my question: We are here to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no greater calling on the planet. Many of us know this, so why is it that we are so caught up in our own agenda, instead of His agenda? Why is it that we are so worried about numbers, when ultimately, it is up to Christ to add to His churches?

I know, I know, we have to do our part. I totally agree. We have to plant seeds. We have to pray. Others have to water. This is hard work!!! But, who gives the increase: GOD.

May we never forget why we do what we do? And, may we never forget Who we are doing this for. JESUS CHRIST.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Leadership (Staff) Meetings

The Staff of StoneBridge Baptist Church
From Left to Right: Russell Knight, Jason Sheffstall & David Story

If you are on staff at a church, do you have regular staff meetings? What do you discuss? Do you talk about the pros and cons of the previous service? Do you get posted up by the Lead or Sr. Pastor? Do you discuss up-coming events, series, trailers, graphic design, etc?

Do you pray for one another? Do you have a short devotional? Do you read books together?

I am trying to learn more and more about being a Lead Pastor. I would love some advice, insight and wisdom from seasoned pastors, as well as beginners. I am open to all who could share with me a typical staff meeting at your church.

You can either contact me at: contactatstonebridge4udotcom or just simply leave a comment at the end of this entry. Thank You!!!

P.S. I am very thankful for the staff that I am working with at StoneBridge. They Rock the House!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Now Batting

Yesterday afternoon we had ten people attend StoneBridge 101 (Discovering Membership) class. If all ten follow through with their commitment we will have 27 members who have gone through the course and have committed to the vision, doctrines, values, and mission of StoneBridge Baptist Church.

Russell and I are excited to see God work in and through our church, but there is always this feeling that we've not done enough. There is a church in the DC area who says, "Work like it depends on you, and Pray like it depends on God." I don't think we did enough of either one (work or pray) concerning the 101 class that took place yesterday.

One of our Core Values is Excellence. Since Excellence is a Core Value we should strive to be up to par every time we step up to the plate. The 101 class was definitely not up to par. We had several mistakes in the curriculum, our presentations were dull, and the atmosphere was not conducive to a three hour class learning the basic principles of our church.

With that being said, it is a goal of ours to revamp the curriculum and be ready to hit the homerun ball the next time we are up to bat.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Country Drive to Barbour County

This is a picture of Point Pleasant Baptist Church located in Barbour County, West Virginia.

On the outside of this building is a sign that reads: Point Pleasant Baptist Church established in 1853. This statement, "established in 1853" got me thinking about our church plant in Morgantown. If the Lord doesn't return in the next 153 years, will a young church planter be able to see the fruit of StoneBridge Baptist Church? Will they know of our love for the saints and the faith we've expressed in our great and wonderful God?

1 Thessalonians 1:8, "8 For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything."

Friday, July 21, 2006

This Love Your Neighbor Thing Is Sometimes Hard To Do

There are definitely times in my Christian journey when I don't really want to love my neighbor, let alone my enemies. But, I know this is what God has commanded me to do. So, with that being said I will strive to do everything in HIS POWER to pray and love even those that are hard to love.

Matthew 5:43-48, 43 "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." (NKJV)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Encouraging One Another...

Do you ever have the urge to just call up an old friend, a missionary, church planter, or an old classmate from the past?

I do all of the time. I love it when God brings people to my mind to specifically pray for or call on the phone. Yesterday was one of those days when God brought a fellow church planter and friend to my mind to contact. So, I did. I talked with Pastor Scott. Scott lives in Texas and has been working in the same area planting a church for approximately five years. He is one of those guys who has a fire and zeal for the Lord. It's very contagious.

Scott, his wife, and three children were living in a home and paying $500.00 a month for rent when he was told by his sending church that they were going to close the doors of the church he was pastoring and stop his salary. What would you do? Would you quit? Would you pull out the resume from the file cabinet, or would you stick around? Scott chose to stick around because he believes that God called him to this place to establish a church in that particular area. The sending church allowed the work to keep the building, and the church continues to meet.

So, what is the point?

The point is Scott had to move from his home, buy a Travel Trailer (one bedroom), and is working at a fancy Italian Restaurant (Pizza Hut). I give this man PROPS!!!

I thank God for men who believe in the vision God birthed in their hearts. It is my desire to encourage this brother, to pray for this brother and let him know how much I love and appreciate him.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

While We Were Out

This morning, Pastor Devin came over from the Eastern Panhandle to help us with our efforts of reaching out to the people who accepted Christ during the week of CityReach.

While we were out, God saved another one!!! Yes, believe it!!! God saved another one. We are so excited to see God working in our city. There are many things that take place in Morgantown, WV that are not of God, but I truly believe God is on a mission through the efforts of StoneBridge Baptist Church and I'm loving every minute of it.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Highlights In The Day And Life Of A Church Planter

Yesterday was a great day (except for several technical difficulties)!!! We had a total of forty-three people present with one first time guest.

Highlights of the Worship Gathering:
  1. Setting Up for our Worship Gathering.
  2. Worshiping the Lord with people that I love and appreciate.
  3. Seeing people enjoy Singing to the Lord.
  4. Watching people comprehend the message.
  5. Watching people respond to God.
  6. Seeing new comers back in our services.
  7. Seeing lives changed for God's honor and glory.

Highlights of the Day:

  1. Leading a lady to faith in Christ at her front door.
  2. Following up on people who gave their lives to Christ at CityReach 06.
  3. Spending time with Mr. Ed during our time of visitation.
  4. Watching Mr. Ed give encouraging words to those we visited.
  5. Looking forward to God moving in the lives of people who will eventually visit StoneBridge.
  6. Celebrating Russell and Belinda's Birthday at their house.
  7. Twenty-five minutes of hiking to Cheat View to hang out with college students.
  8. Being really weirded out by Coyotes in the woods.
  9. Hiking another 30 minutes back to the truck.
  10. Sleeping in my own bed.

God is really good. I am so thankful for His blessings. I pray that I will never let Him down, but that I will always strive to please Him in everything that I do. I love West Virginia. I love StoneBridge. I love planting this church. Until next time...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I Appreciate You

"I appreciate you, Dad." -the precious words of my 2 1/2 year old son.

I guess it was several months ago when I was tucking Josiah into bed when I told him how much I appreciated him, and now, he is constantly telling me how much he appreciates me. Those words sure do make my day. For those of you who know my little man you know how sweet and tender his little heart is. I am so very proud of him.

I am constantly praying for God to one day save him and use him as a vessel of honor. I pray for my children's salvation, their purity, their choices and their future spouses. You say, "How old are they?" Well, Josiah is 2 1/2 and Jaden is almost one. I am so very blessed to have two beautiful children. I thank Almighty God for my wife and children.

Honestly, I do not know where I would be today without the hand of God on my life. I appreciate the Lord so much for the life that others only dream of living.

God, thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve you. Thank you for my wife, my children, my church and the many friends who surround me. I APPRECIATE YOU!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Good Ol' Southern Cookn'

Last night kicked off our new semester of HomeTeams. We had a total of twenty-eight people last tonight. It was awesome. The food was great (Southern Cookn'), the fellowship sweet, and the Bible study was very conversational.

It is exciting to see God at work in our church. Our people are beginning to truly take hold of the purposes of the local church. In the past couple of months, we have been seeing new faces attend StoneBridge's worship gatherings, and our HomeTeams. We praise God for the group of people that He is adding to our fellowship.

Yesterday, Russell and I finally made some follow-up visits to the people who made public professions of faith during the week of CityReach. It was refreshing to visit with several of these people because it truly seemed that they were sincere in their commitment to Christ. Most of these folks that we caught at home assured us that they would be visiting our church.

We look forward to discipling these new converts, seeing them baptized, and becoming fully developing followers of Jesus Christ. It is our goal to see StoneBridge Baptist Church become a thriving church in Morgantown. We desire for God to use us to produce more and better disciples for His Kingdom.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hanging Out With The Fam

Today has been one of those days where I simply haven't done much but hang out with the family. Every Monday (unless there is an emergency) I take the day off to be with my family. Today has been an especially good day because my mom and sister are visiting from Ohio.

Yesterday after church we ate at Wendy's then I went to Video World to pick up a few movies. I rented Walk the Line, Cheaper by the Dozen 2, and End of the Spear. So far, I have watched Walk the Line and End of the Spear. Both of these movies were really good. I could have done without some of the scenes in Walk the Line, but overall I thought it was a pretty good movie.

End of the Spear is an awesome movie about five guys who risked their lives for the sake of the gospel. As I watched this movie I was moved by the faith of these five men and wondered if my faith would be that strong. Would I be willing to risk my life to get the gospel to those who haven't heard? It is so hard for me to admit this, but I do not think that I would be willing to risk my life.

I truly believe this is one of main problems that we face. For the most part we enjoy our comfort zones and are not willing to risk it all for Christ. My prayer is for God to strengthen us, use us, and give us the faith that we need to do whatever task He sets before us.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Manny the Baptist Announces His Call

God has been working on Manny for quite some time now. Today during our worship gathering Manny announced his call to the ministry.

We are so proud of him. Manny is a WVU student and plans on finishing his degree in Petroleum Engineering. I believe God is going to use him in an awesome way. He is hoping to follow our footsteps and eventually plant churches.

This was and is the vision of our church. We desire to see God use our church as a launching pad to plant a multiplicity of churches, especially in the I-79 Corridor. We are seeing God bring this vision to fruition. Now, we have a great responsibility in training and leading Manny to become an effective minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The other day a young man talked to me about moving to Morgantown to help start more churches. I am excited about what God is doing in this great city. There is so much potential, or in the words of Jesus, "The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few..."

Thank you God for all you are doing in and through our church. Please continue to humble us and use us to make more and better disciples.

What About My Blog?

This morning as I was checking my site I always look to see if there are any comments concerning my blog. Comments like, "You're the Greatest!" "Man, that was profound." Anywho, as I was reading other blog entries the thought crossed my mind, "What about my blog?"

I wonder if God looks down at me while I am reading all of these other blogs and thinks, "Jason, why aren't you reading my story?" Man, that is convicting!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Our Next Steps

My little girl has been trying to walk. For the past month she has really worked hard on her independence as an eleven-month old. She has been standing next to the coffee tables and using a walker to help her get down the hallway. It won't be long when my little Jaden will be walking on her own. Comparing this story to our church life, our church is beginning to walk on her own.

We are in phase two of the summer months. At the beginning of June we were gearing up for CityReach, the National Messenger's Meeting, Vacation and Summer Camp. Now that all of those events are behind us it is now time to start thinking about the next couple of weeks.

The next couple of weeks are crucial for our young church. At CityReach God saved 105 people. As a church it is time to step up our discipleship outreach strategies. One of the ways we are preparing to follow-up with the people who made professions of faith is to form a team of people who are willing to go out for two hours each Sunday night until every person has been followed up on. We desire for every person to know that StoneBridge Baptist Church is a church that loves God and loves people. We want our community to know that we are here for them. Just as Jaden likes to know that Daddy and Momma are right behind her, we want our folks at StoneBridge to know that we are there for them too. We hope to empower our people for ministry. If we never empower our people, our church will be status quo. If our church will ever be used of great significance, we must be a church that is concerned about Leadership Development.

One of our Core Values at StoneBridge is Leadership Development. We believe that empowering people for ministry is one of the keys to Church Health.

Lord, my prayer is for you to empower me so that I can empower others. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Emanating in Maryland

For the last four nights I have been preaching in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The Theme for the week was EMANATE (MN8). There were five professions of faith and one young man announced his call to the ministry.

All week I used colognes to express our need to emanate the fragrance of Christ to the people of the world. Here are the four messages I preached:

Calvin Klein's TRUTH - John 14:1-7.

Tommy Hilfiger's FREEDOM - Galatians 5:1-7.

Clinique's HAPPY - Philippians 4:4.

Christian Dior's ADDICT - I Corinthians 16:13-18.

The Problem: As Christians we send forth a fragrance, but a lot of times it is not the sweet savor of Christ. We reek of filth, sin and wickedness.

The Solution: We must submit ourselves to God and emanate the fragrance of Christ to the world. We must love God, obey God and experience God in our daily lives.

Until next time...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Life is Good

Have you ever had one of those days when you just thought, "Life is Good."? Well, today has been one of those days for me. I had an awesome time today at church. Even though we had a Murphy's Law day, it really turned out to be FAB-U-LOUS.

Our total attendance today was 56 with several first time guests. We welcomed a new family from Tennessee, several locals and many returned guests. Today was the first day we had more than two High Schoolers in our services. Speaking of High Schoolers I talked with Mark H. today. Mark was the young man that God saved while we were descending in Orlando. He said he has shared what I taught him (evangelism) with several of his friends and they too came to Christ. This absolutely blew me away. Actually, it made my day. This is what Christianity is all about. It's about sharing your faith, making more and better disciples and seeing lives changed for Christ.

I have one more sermon to finish up for Summit Lake this week. I am looking forward to spending time with fellow pastors and youth pastors. I am really excited that we are taking some StoneBridgers to camp with us this year. Dan, Manny, Krista, and Ashley are attending Youth Camp, as well as the staff of StoneBridge. These college students are top shelf. I love our students and our church. I thank God for the privilege of serving Him in Morgantown, West Virginia. It is truly a blessing.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Three Down, Two To Go

I have been living at Panera Bread for the past two days working on my up coming messages that I will be delivering at StoneBridge and Summit Lake Youth Encampment. I am looking forward to tomorrow's services at the Warner, and the services this week at camp.

I have knocked out three sermons in two days and have two more sermons to go. So, tomorrow's message may be a combination of three messages in one. Ha Ha. God is good!!!