Flo And Mo Attend StoneBridge
We are thankful for our recent guests (Flo and Mo) who have been showing up at StoneBridge. Flo has attended our church in the past, but her husband Mo is a new guest at our church.
Flo is very smooth and crisp, while Mo is like a snowball falling down the mountain growing larger and larger as he picks up speed. God has been good to send these two wonderful guests to our church. Every church needs a Flo and a Mo. If you don't have Flo and Mo then you are in big trouble.
Who are these guests? Well, Flo is the Flow that you receive in your services when you do things intentional. Flow happens when you strive for excellence. When you've prayed up, looked up, preached up, and lifted up the name of Jesus. When these things take place, Flo comes in as a welcomed guest.
Mo on the other hand is the Momentum that the Lord's churches get when they begin to see God work in their lives and when they actively join God at His work.
I am excited about what God is doing at StoneBridge. This week, we begin two new small groups, bringing our total of small groups to four. When College begins in August we should be up to at least six new groups. Multiplication is starting to naturally take place. Praise God!!! It is a good time to be at StoneBridge Baptist Church.