a g Jason's Jargon: August 2006

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

On The Road Again

I am about to travel to Mercer, PA for a day out with the Bates' family. Scott Bates and his family moved from Prattsville, Arkansas back in January, 2006 to pastor Mercer Baptist Church. I have been coaching Scott for the past couple of months through Reach America.

Hanging out with other pastors and church planters is a blast. I love their encouragement, their zeal for the Lord, and their desire to grow Biblically based, culturally relevant churches for God's renown.

One of the things I miss about living in Texas is hanging out with older pastors. Older pastors have a great wealth of information, they listen more than they talk (for the most part), and they encourage young pastors like myself to keep fighting. I miss seeing Bro. Darrel Owens, the late O. H. Griffith, and the list goes on and on. I thank God for these men. They have impacted my life. My prayer is that I will be an encourager to the people that I minister to, as well as the pastors and church planters that I come in contact with in my life.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cool Signs

David has been working on some church banners for our church. Here are a few samples.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Great Day

It's been a great day!!! I have truly enjoyed spending time with our people. In my last entry I stated that I am thankful for the people in our church who make my life easier. I still give "mad props" to all of them.

When I arrived at the Warner all of the equipment was set-up, the tables were in place (adorned with new table skirts), and the music was playing. I thought, "This is awesome."

The closer we got to 10:00 a.m., the more I anticipated what God had in store for us. David knocked it out of the park (as usual), and my message was sub-par (I preached entirely too long). However, we had a total of 61 people, with many new and returned guests.

After the services we made our way to Coopers Rock State Park where 30 or more people gathered for a time of food, fun, and fellowship. We just arrived home about 45 minutes ago, Josiah's watching Thomas the Tank Engine (imagine that), Jaden is going crazy, Kristie's doing what she loves (sanding old furniture and making them look brand new) and I am finishing up another blog entry. I absolutely love my life. Thank you, God.

People Who Make My Life Easier

I give mad props...ok, I truly respect and appreciate people who make my life easier.

As I was downloading some pictures getting ready for our Big Day, the door bell rang. I hurried upstairs to greet Dan. Each Sunday, Dan picks up my Ford F-150 so that he can pull the Equipment Trailer. Dan, Kevin, and a host of others from our church set up our equipment so that we can do what we do.

Their service to Christ is to be celebrated. I truly appreciate these men. Because they serve I am able to spend time with my family, read over my sermon, and help get the kids dressed (plus, throw in the Sunday Morning Cinnamon Rolls).

Guys, Thank YOU!!! I know that there are plenty of rewards awaiting you in heaven for your service to our Lord.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Sneak Peak

Friend Days at StoneBridge are always exciting. The past has taught us that people seem to get excited about inviting their friends on specific (targeted) days to reach their friends and family for Christ.

Tomorrow is another Project 80 Day. I have invited several people to attend and have personally been sharing Christ with my unsaved and unchurched acquaintances. I am looking forward to seeing new faces in our services.

My message is going to center around the life of Jacob. Jacob's name means "to grab one's heel, or deceiver." Jacob's life consisted of grabbing. Grabbing for his father's approval (Isaac loved Esau in particular because of his wild game), grabbing for his brother's birthright, and grabbing for his brother's blessing. Jacob had some psychological and emotional problems because he could never measure up in his father's eyes. Enough was never enough. Many people face the same psychological and emotional wounds because they have grown up in homes that were performance based. Bill Hybels said, "Religion is spelled do, Christianity is spelled done."

I am thankful that God the Father does not base our relationship with Him on what we do. If that were the case, I would never measure up, and neither would you. The only way we can be accepted by God is through Jesus Christ. When we know Christ, we have been declared righteous and positioned in Him. Thank God for His saving GRACE.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Defining Blogging

This is a cool link that I found that defines blogging.

The Great Outdoors

Well, the Great Outdoors was not so great on my Back. I decided to call it a night. It's now 12:20 a.m. and I am back in the house.

My little man and I got to spend several good hours together, so I am satisfied.

Mission Accomplished.

Camping Out

Tonight Josiah and I are camping out. We've got a little 2 man tent, so we decided to enjoy the great outdoors. Where you might ask? In my backyard.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This Next Series

This next series at StoneBridge is going to be one that I'm going to enjoy. I am geared for relationships. I am a Sanguine by temperament. Sanguines enjoy all kinds of relationships with all kinds of people. So with that being said, I am going to enjoy preaching four messages in the DTR series.

A lot of people have the cart before the horse in their relationships. They are trying to have healthy relationships with others, but do not have a relationship with Christ. Mark Batterson said, "Until you are in right relationship with God vertically, your horizontal relationships are going to suffer."

We've got to learn to be content in our relationships.

Content in the Single Life.

Content in the Courtship.

Content in the Marriage.

If we are not content, we will suffer many scrapes and bruises along the way. May God help each of us to work on all of our relationships. Relationships that are healthy take lots of hard work and communication. I think about this statement when it comes to my relationship with God, my wife, my kids and the other important relationships in my life. If I want healthy relationships with others, my relationship with God must be healthy.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Coming This Sunday

Divine Appointment

Today I got the opportunity to tour the new Residential Hall on the campus of WVU with Russell and David. It was truly awesome. I am excited about the possibilities of building relationships with these students.

Sven and Lisa V. invited Russell and me to be Assistant Board Members in this new Residential Hall. We are very excited to be a testimony of the greatness of Christ with both our words and actions. We are not supposed to openly share Christ, but hopefully they will know who we are by our love for one another. Hmm, I think Jesus said something about that.

After touring the building we made our way back to Panera Bread (by foot, because traffic was so horrendous), but before we got there I took the opportunity to talk with John W. about his relationship with Christ. After about a 20 minute conversation and several verses later John prayed to receive Christ as his Savior. It was awesome. After he prayed I asked him how he felt, he said it felt good!!! Praise God! I know when I prayed to receive Christ there was such a relief within my spirit. I felt so clean and free. Please pray for John. He is from Pennsylvania and has experienced some loneliness since school has started. I am supposed to start an LTG (Life Transformation Group) with him on Thursday. God is good.

The Home Office

The Home Office has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage 1: I get to see my family.

Disadvantage 1: I get to see my family.

Advantage 2: I get to hear my son play the drums.

Disadvantage 2: I get to hear my son play the drums.

Advantage 3: Internet Connection.

Disadvantage 3: Internet Connection.

So with that being said, I am thankful for Panera Bread!!! :) However, I love my family and love the fact that I get to see what goes on in their lives when I am working at home. Peace.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Project 80 is a goal that we have set for the 2006 year. It is the goal of our church to have 80 people attend our services at least four times out of 52 Sundays. This coming Sunday we are shooting for 80 again. The last time Project 80 occurred we had 99 people present. We are hoping this Sunday will be another great attendance day for our people. Several of our people (if not all) are actively sharing their faith, and are inviting their unchurched friends to check us out. It is really exciting.

I was thinking about the impact a friend can make on our spiritual lives. When I was twelve years old, Johnny Martin invited me to church. I can still remember the day that he asked me to attend Calvary Missionary Baptist Church. I was excited to do anything with Johnny, Stevie Turner, Ryan Broughton, Brian Johnson (and the rest of the crew, they were my boys). So, where ever they were going was where I wanted to go. I am so thankful for that invite because I continued attending this church and eventually gave my life to Jesus Christ.

It was sometime in September of 85' when I accepted Christ. Then, a few weeks later I was baptized. In September, I will be celebrating my 21st spiritual birthday. I have been serving the Lord as a pastor for the past 13 1/2 years. It is amazing to me that God used this friend's invitation to church so that I could hear a clear presentation of the gospel and be saved. You never know whose life will be changed when you simply invite them to a gospel preaching church. Who knows they may end up planting a new church!!!

(Picture to the Right: Me, Chris McIntyre, Johnny Martin and my brother, Jim)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Blow Pops and Invite Cards

It excites me to see other believers fired up for Christ. The students at StoneBridge always encourage me. Last night I got a "Hall Pass" from Kristie to go to the College Bible Study. Man was it fun!!! They grilled Steaks, Baked Potatoes, had Salad, and topped it off with a Rice Crispy Treat. Good times!!!

Last night was the Big Bash before school kicks back off on Monday. Our students taped Charms "Blow Pops" to our Invite Cards and are going to distribute them on Saturday around the Mountainlair. It is awesome to see the students take ownership of their ministry.

Church Planting is all about the 2 Timothy 2:2 principle. 2 Timothy 2:2 says, "2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." Our students are doing just that! They are taking heed to what we say, and they are actually going above and beyond the call of duty to reach their unchurched and unsaved friends for Christ.

Thank you God for the students of StoneBridge!!! You are awesome!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Where Greatness Is Learned And...

Morgantown is a unique city to live in. I love it here. I love the mountains, the crisp air and the smell of fire, WHAT? The smell of fire? What's that all about? I was just reminded of the greatness of this city when I saw a kid wearing a shirt that said, "Where Greatness is Learned and Couches are Burned."

Yes, my friend, it is that time of year again. It is time for Football!!! It is time for the Mountaineers to hit the field, it's time for the students to come back to town, it's time for more couches to be burned. Yes, this is Morgantown. It is where I dwell. I thank God that He has placed me in this city to plant a new church. It's exciting times!!! Let's Go, Mountaineers!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Doing Life Together

For the past couple of weeks I have been hearing a lot about "Doing Life Together". As a matter of fact, I have been really pouring a lot of time into studying small groups. I have sought advice on how people choose leaders and how they plug those leaders into their small groups. I am convinced that a Leadership Application is necessary, References are expected, and Leaders are to be held to a higher standard.

When God places people into the local body He places them there to be used, not to be spectators, but active participants. He expects people to get involved. He expects people to use their gifts or abilities for His glory. He expects each member to be a minister. After all, isn't that what Christianity is all about? Aren't we supposed to be serving the Lord and our fellow man. Often times I fall into the category of the disciples..."I want to be served", instead of serving others. Jesus told His disciples that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve. Oh, how we need to learn from the greatest leader who ever walked the earth, JESUS CHRIST.

Just A Thought

Is it Theologically sound to rebuke the devil?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Seven Years Ago

Today marks the seventh year since my dad passed away. I can not believe it's been seven years. Where did time go?

I remember when I received the news that dad had passed away. I was finishing up a meeting at church, when Bro. Darrel came in to inform me that he had just received a call (from my brother) that my dad had passed away with a massive heart attack. Dad was 57 years old. Way too young.

Looking back on that day, my heart was totally broken. Some of the things I thought about when I heard the news:
  • This can't be true...denial.
  • I will never get the opportunity to hug my dad again.
  • I will never get to talk with dad again.
  • I hope dad is in heaven....I had talked to him several times about Christ, but never had a firm answer whether or not he knew for sure that he was going to heaven or not. I did receive confirmation from my mom that dad had prayed to receive Christ several years ago (Praise the Lord).

Now that dad has been gone for the past seven years there are so many times that I wish I could just sit down with him and chat about life. I wish he was able to see my beautiful kids, and I wish my kids could have known their Papaw. Papaw would have spoiled them rotten, just like their Mamaw does.

I know life is like a vapor, so I understand that we all have to die. I understand that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I am thankful that our Great Shepherd walks with us even in the Valley of the Shadow of death. I am glad that God walked with me through the pain, sorrow and the lonely days without my dad. I am thankful that even though I no longer have a dad on the earth, I have a Spiritual Father who will never leave me, nor forsake me. Praise be unto God!!!

My father's death has helped me help others. You see, life is about learning from your experiences so that you can encourage and help others. If you don't learn from the bad experiences, then how can you grow in your relationship with God and others? How can you help or encourage others? You simply can't. So, if you have had some bad things happen in your life, let God use these experiences to help you grow in your faith. Don't get bitter, get better!!! God Bless.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Quick Quip

Why do you pray?

Chris Livengood from Frederick, Maryland was visiting with us over the weekend. We had a good time of fellowship with him and look forward to seeing what God is going to do in the future with Chris.

As we were closing out our Yard Sale, Chris and I were sitting under my Bradford Pear Tree, Chris asked, "Jason, why do you pray?" I thought, "Man, I have to put on my holy "thinking" cap." I said, "I pray (just to make it today, I say I pray...Just kidding...I thought I'd break out the MC Hammer) because of my relationship with Christ, because there are people in need, and because I am supposed to." He said, "I PRAY FOR RESULTS."

Man, that is powerful. If we are not praying for results, why do we pray? We pray so that God can move mountains. When I pray I want to be reminded of his answer. Pray for results. Pray for God to do something BIG!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Yard Sale Day

Anyone up for a Yard Sale?

What do they say, "One man's junk is another person's treasure." I have enjoyed sitting in the yard meeting new people who were after my junk (well, not as much as I would like them to be).

I think we have made a little less than $20.00 today. Maybe we'll do better tomorrow.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Defining Assimilation

"The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture." -Online Dictionary

Today, I was asked, "What does assimilation look like in your church?"

Here's how I would answer that question:
  • First of all, assimilation starts with the staff of StoneBridge modeling authenticity, friendliness and a servant attitude toward those who attend our church. The minority group (being the guests who frequent our church) must see us setting the example.
  • Second, they (the minority group) need to see the core group modeling these qualities as well. It has been said that people determine whether or not they will make a second visit in the first seven minutes of their visit.
  • The third thing we like to do at StoneBridge is Fellowship. So, we try to invite people to "Gather Round the Good Stuff" (not Pizza Hut), but some kind of gathering where people can have their questions answered and we can get to know the people better.
  • Fourth, we try to plug people into a Small Group or a Life Transformation Group.
  • Fifth, we encourage everyone to attend StoneBridge 101 so that the people can know our story, our vision, our values, our mission, our beliefs, and how they can get involved in a ministry of our church.

Once people go through StoneBridge 101, if they want to become members then they have to sign a covenant card stating that they will protect the unity of our church, they will plug into a ministry, they will pray for and invite people to our church and they will give of themselves physically and financially.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mr. Mom

I get the privilege of taking care of my two wonderful children tonight while my wife and the ladies from our church get a much needed break from parenting.

I am so proud of my wife. She is an awesome mother!!! She has dedicated herself to motherhood and is a great example to our kids. Not only is she a great mom, but she is a fantastic wife.

The other day I caught the tail end of a segment from The Early Show about Stay At Home Moms. If I heard the reporter right, he/she said the average Stay At Home Mom is worth $137,000.00 per year. You go girl!!! I love you, Kristie.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Creation Of Angels

For the past two weeks we have been studying Angels. We learned that they are Created beings, Spirit beings, Holy beings, Personal beings, Deathless beings, Unseen beings and they exist in orderly arrangement. There are also elect and non-elect angels.

One of the questions people always ask (when studying angels) is, "When were they created?" Elmer Towns says, "In relation to the time of creation for angels, three major views have emerged.

  1. The first endorses the view that angels were created in eternity past, well before Genesis chapter one.
  2. The second view places their creation during the creative process.
  3. The third believes the gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:3."

The more I study this topic, I, personally believe that the Angels were created during the creation process.

Exodus 20:11, "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."

Another reason I tend to lean toward the second view point:

  1. Satan was hurled down from heaven.
  2. Heaven wasn't created until the second day.
  3. The earth was created on the third day.

So, when God created the heavens, he created the angels, and when the angels saw the creation of the earth, they rejoiced in the creative work of God.

Let me know your thoughts. Have a great day!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

This Week In Softball

It was bottom of the 13th when the Beth Haven (Tigers) drove in the final run to beat the StoneBridge (Bears) to take the battle of the Baptists. It was a long, hard, drawn out fight, but the Tigers came out on top. Congrats, Pastor Coe. Maybe we'll get you guys next time. :)

After the game I learned that four of our ten guys had never, I mean never, played Softball. So, I was quite proud of the guys for playing such a good game. Even so, we have no excuses...we simply lost the game!!!

Mel Allen (pictured to the right) was famous for narrating This Week In Baseball. He's missed by all Baseball Fans everywhere. It would be interesting to hear his take on Saturday's Softball game. :)

Note to Self: When you begin to get blisters on your heels either change shoes or don't play 13 innings.

Shout out to Russ and the Worship Team: The services yesterday were great. Thanks for allowing God to use all of you.

Small Group Ministry is Exciting: Last week at our HomeTeam there were 15 people present. This week, our group will probably have around 28 people if everyone shows up. It's exciting!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Armor All

Russell begins a three week series on Spiritual Warfare this coming Sunday. We have decided to entitled the series ARMOR ALL.

Here is our graphic design for the series, enjoy!!!

We are very thankful for David's work.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thoughts from 2002

I was rummaging through one of my books last night and ran across a paper with my thoughts (from 2002) concerning the need for a new church in Morgantown, West Virginia.

Here they are:

What difference will a new church make in Morgantown?

  • People's lives will be changed.
  • Crime will be decreased.
  • Fellowship with new believers will occur.
  • College students will have an opportunity to worship and serve while attending WVU.
  • People who surrender to the ministry will not have to leave the state to attend Seminary (future training for people who announce their call to the ministry).
  • Regional churches will be planted (I-79 Corridor).
  • God will be glorified with another church being planted.
  • An ABA church will be represented in the city of Morgantown.
  • A new church will give people a reason for existing.

Why should I attempt church planting?

  • Because it is a calling from God and must be acted upon.
  • Because new churches please God.
  • Because new churches are the fastest growing churches.
  • Because unchurched people are more likely to come to a new church plant than an old established church.
  • Because people in Morgantown need Jesus.
  • Because people need another sound church, teaching and preaching the doctrines of Jesus Christ.
  • Because others (the Knights) are willing to team with my family to accomplish the task.
  • Because others are already supporting us and we haven't even announced our call to plant in Morgantown.
  • Because others receive a blessing by supporting church planters.
  • Because families will be strengthened.
  • Because young people will feel welcomed, accepted and important.

Why should I do this now?

  • Because people are dying without Jesus.
  • Because life is too short not to do something big.
  • Because the desire is there.
  • Because I feel worthless here.
  • Because I am ready to lead a church.
  • Because God is working.
  • Because the students (in my youth group) seem to be doing good.
  • Because another man can fill the gap where I leave off.
  • Because they (the church where I served) can call another man to step into the position of youth pastor.
  • Because there are people waiting (in Morgantown) for us to plant a new church.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The StoneBridge Vision

Vision is a clear picture of what we see StoneBridge being; it is the product of God working in us. He creates the vision and we receive it. It becomes our rallying point; a goal toward which we move as His people. These are some of the things God has worked into our hearts and is stretching us to become.

  1. We envision a place where people are passionate about Jesus Christ, sharing the good news of the gospel to the thousands of residents in North Central West Virginia.
  2. We envision a place where unchurched people will feel welcome, where the hurting, the broken, the frustrated, and the confused can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.
  3. We envision leading people to become fully developing followers of Jesus Christ through worship, small groups, ministry involvement, and participation in missions.
  4. We envision a place where members of all ages are involved in ministry, working to glorify Jesus Christ in all we do.
  5. We envision a multi-cultural congregation working together with the same mind, purpose, and heart.
  6. We envision planting new churches in our region, West Virginia, the United States, and the world and training church planters from within our congregation to plant those churches.
  7. We envision multiplying and developing leaders within our church in order to better meet the needs of the people of Morgantown and North-Central West Virginia.
  8. We envision purchasing land (Down the Road) for a church campus which will meet the needs of this generation and the generations to follow.

"Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." Andy Stanley

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

History Was Made Tonight

For the first time in the life of our young church our family small groups have multiplied. We are so excited about this phase of ministry. We had a total of fifteen people present tonight at our gathering.

Tomorrow night, Russell begins his new group for all of the folks in the Kingwood Pike (Pikers) area. I am pumped about the possibilities!!!

Then on Thursday, Manny and the College Crew will host their regular scheduled meetings. They have been having a good crew of people attending their gathering inspite of the summer break. When the students arrive in a couple of weeks our college ministry will be multiplying their groups too. Can you tell I am excited about MULTIPLICATION?

This past Sunday, Russell and the AdventureLife Group had to cancel their trip to Cheat View for a time of hiking, fellowship, prayer and Bible study. They will be back at it again this coming Sunday. I am looking forward to a great day.