Jason's Jargon
An embroglio of words, statements and entries in the life of a church planter.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The December Calendar
I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Russell and I sat down this morning planning for the up-coming month and new year. December will begin with Russell and me finishing up our Y-Series! His message will center around Y-Give, and I will finish the series with Y-Church.
This will take us two weeks into December, leaving us with three more Sundays in 2006 to impact our community of believers.
Looking back on the year, I am amazed at the giant leaps of faith we have taken as a church. Since the beginning of the year, we have called a worship leader (David Story), multiplied our Small Groups (from two to five), began numerous Life Transformation Groups, and have reached our monthly financial goals every month, except for one. Another exciting statistic is that we have averaged in the fifties and sixties since July! This past month, we averaged 61 people for the month, with an all time high (on our own) of 101 people.
We realize that we have a lot of work left to do. There are still plenty of people in Morgantown, and the world who are not yet fully developing followers of Jesus Christ. Russell and I discussed our inadequacies, and our desire to do a better job in 2007. One of the things we are going to do is plan our 2007 Calendar year. We hope to have our Sermon Series for 07' in the bag and ready to go. We want God to use our church in a greater, and more abundant way in the up-coming year.
Labels: David Story, Life Transformation Groups, New Year, Sermon Series
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Connecting Through Small Groups
Tonight's gathering was amazing! I enjoyed gathering with my family, and all of my StoneBridge friends. We had a wonderful meal (Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread and Desserts).
Labels: Small Groups
Monday, November 27, 2006
Bah, Humbug
We tried to get the Christmas lights up last night, but the darkness came before the work could be finished.
Decorating for Christmas is always a hassle for me (Bah, humbug), but when we finish I am always glad that I partook.
My neighbors have had their lights up for about a month. I guess they are anxious for Christmas to come. You know, it might not be a bad idea to just leave Christmas lights up year round since it comes around so fast.
Labels: Christmas
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Burning The Midnight Oil
Russell started a new series last week entitled Y. Y-Grow! was the first of four messages in the Y Series.
Today, my message was Y-Jesus! I dealt with three reasons to follow Jesus. I was up past 2:00 a.m. this morning honing the message. Here are the reasons to become a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ.
1. Because you can trust Him!
2. Because He is coming again.
3. Because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Labels: Jesus, Russell, Sermon Series
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Happy Birthday Kristie!
Here are my two sweet girls! Kristie (my wife) celebrates her __ st birthday today. I have chosen to leave the number out to protect the innocent.
We have enjoyed our time in Ohio. Now, it's time to head back to the Mountains of West Virginia. We will be traveling today, so for those of you who read my blog, say a special prayer for us.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Caught In A Moment
- After Thanksgiving Sales are a lot more fun than I thought.
- Most guys hate shopping, but today's experience was not shopping, it was hunting!
- Everyone loves a good deal!
- Most people get caught in the moment of the deal instead of rationalizing their purchase.
- As a whole, we are very greedy!
Labels: Shopping
Thursday, November 23, 2006
"Our People Make The Difference"
Wal-mart makes a statement: Respect for the Individual and Corporate Contributions .
I have heard through the grapevine that Wal-mart received over 100,000 emails from Conservatives displaying their disapproval of their recent partnership with the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.
I did not send Wal-mart an email of my disapproval, but I did send them an email thanking them for remaining neutral in the cultural wars.
Labels: Questions, Statements
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
What Is Your Take On This?
American Family Assosciation reported that Wal-mart would be donating 5% of their online sales to the National & Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce during the Friday and Saturday Super Sales following Thanksgiving.
Labels: Questions
Monday, November 20, 2006
See You Next Sunday
I missed seeing everyone at StoneBridge yesterday. I enjoyed attending my home church in Overpeck, Ohio, but I guarantee you, there is no place like StoneBridge!
Russ, thanks for preaching God's Word. I am so thankful to work with a Staff of people that will get the job done, even when I am away. As a matter of fact, the local church does not depend on a pastor, it depends on a group of like-minded people who have gathered together to hear, and do the Word of God.
One part of the StoneBridge Vision is to meet the needs of this generation and the generations that follow. We do not want our church to grow and prosper for our benefit alone, but for our kids and grand-kids, as well.
We understand that none of this will take place without the aid of the Holy Spirit and the work of God's people. It is important that we never forget the reason we exist, The Great Commission! It is our duty and privilege to make more and better disciples of Jesus Christ.
I was listening to Nelson Searcy's Breaking the 65 Barrier the other day, when I heard something profound. He said, "Pastor, do you have a vision for your church?" He went on to say, "It's not necessarily the "thing" written on paper, but the benefits of the vision." In other words, when you cast your vision, are you telling people the "why" of the vision? God has not only placed a vision in your heart (but with that vision), He has placed the benefits of the vision.
Let's go get'em friends!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
How About Them Buckeyes
Buckeyes win! The Buckeyes end their regular season 12-0, beating Michigan 42-39. University of Cincinnati beat Rutgers 30-11, and Arkansas beat Mississippi State 28-14.
Now, you would think with an Entry Title called "How About Them Buckeyes" that this entry would be about the Buckeyes...but it is not. This entry is about the Razorbacks. You see, the Razorbacks beat Mississippi State 28-14, but all this talk about Arkansas made me take a peek back into history. The day was October 7, 2006. The Mountaineers traveled to Mississippi to do battle with MSU, but to be honest, it wasn't much of a battle. The Mountaineers beat MSU 42-14! So, what this means is that if the Mountaineers play Arkansas, West Virginia will have a 14 point advantage.
Hey, Scott I sure do hope the Mountaineers will face the Hawgs. My Mountaineer friend, Brady Campbell is getting his Rifle ready to go hunting! Hope you have a great Sunday!
Labels: Sports
Having Kids Changes Everything
I am sure many of you have heard Johnson and Johnson's advertising campaign slogan, "Having a Baby changes everything." I can definitely concur!
Yesterday, about 1:45 p.m., we got in the car and headed for the state of Ohio. After many stops, we finally arrived in Hamilton about 11:00 p.m. The kids were absolutely worn out, along with two weary parents. Note: This is usually a 5 1/2 to 6 hour trip.
I am very thankful to God for my two special blessings (Josiah and Jaden), but they definitely try my patience. This morning, Josiah woke up at 5:00 a.m. He and Mamaw were having a great time together. He was so wound up!
I thought that I would share with you several things I try to do when the kids wig me out! Here are several tips which I have learned concerning discipline.
- Take a deep breath.
- Count to ten.
- Apply Proverbs 29:15, when necessary.
- Remove Privileges.
- Place child in a "Naughty Corner."
- Be Consistent (Say what you mean, and mean what you say.)
- Always explain what you are doing, and why you are doing it.
- Always discipline in love.
- Always give hugs and kisses after applying Proverbs 29:15.
Labels: Family
Game Of The Week
As most of you know, I am from Southwestern Ohio. I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio, moved to Texas when I was twenty, and West Virginia when I was thirty.
Labels: Sports
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Used And Abused
My "former" friend, Scott Bates has used and abused me. I am seriously thinking about calling the Mountaineer , Brady Campbell to take his rifle and shoot some Hogs!
Yea, Yea, that's what I'll do (insert evil laugh).
Thanks Scott, you truly got me!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Okay...So, I started trimming my hair the other day because I was tired of looking at the uneven top which my barber had left the last time at her shop. I was trimming away, when I noticed my sideburns were thicker than I enjoy. So, being the good Barber that I am (hehehe) I decided to take the guard off the clippers (Big Mistake). As I was hearing the sound of the clippers, I could see the hair falling to the ground.
Now, I am not usually one for buzz cuts, but after seeing the funky looking Mohawk, I decided that a buzz cut would look much better than an 80's Mohawk. Imagine that!
I am enjoying the low maintenance (Johnny J.), the slick look =), and my son rubbing my head saying, "I like your Pappy Hair." BTW, Josiah would love to have a buzz cut, but Kristie will not comply.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Isaiah 9:6
Monday, November 13, 2006
Tracking New Guests
Yesterday's services were top shelf. We had several Courtesy Visits (People who are members at other churches), but overall, the attendance was up again. We had 79 people in attendance with several new college students and a new family of four.
Since our church's conception we have always used communication cards to track our guests. Lately, this has not been too effective. Russell and I have been trying to re-think our strategy on tracking new guests. Should we buy a Guest Book? Should we grab our guests by the collar and make them fill out a card? or Should we offer new cars for every new person in attendance?
Seriously though, we have wondered what the most effective way to track new guests. If you have any suggestions, please comment below. Thanks.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Part Of The Vision
Manny J. is a part of the StoneBridge Vision. It is our desire and prayer to God, to train, teach, and encourage people to become "fully developing followers of Jesus Christ."
When we moved to Morgantown, WV three years ago, we knew God was going to use our church to develop men to become future Pastors and Church Planters. So far, there have been several men who have announced their call to the ministry. Some have left our church, while others have dove right in, knowing that one day they will become a part of something significant for the glory of God.
I have been working with Manny for the past several days on his message for Sunday. He is going to do a great job! His message will be taken from Luke 16:19-31. He has entitled the message, The Richest Man In Town.
There are two main points that Manny wants to express:
- People Need Jesus.
- People Need to Share Jesus.
As a pastor, I don't think there is anything greater to preach about than this.
"Late" Prediction for November 11, 2006
This was my prediction, even though the score ended up being 42-24. Special thanks to Russ for inviting me to the game.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
On Preaching
From the mouth of a Mountaineer Football player..."We get yelled at enough. We just need someone to teach us (the Word)."
I wonder about our preaching today. Should we scream? Should we be eloquent? Should we be conversational?
I think we should know our culture and our audience. Since I've moved to Morgantown, my preaching style has changed. When in Texas, I always tried to fire it up. Why?
- Because that was my style (BTW, I still enjoy a good fiery sermon).
- Because people in East Texas (for the most part) enjoy a good fiery sermon.
Our culture is changing. The question we should ask, "Am I willing to change my style if it means I will be more effective?"
One time I preached at a church in East Texas, and after the first service the pastor pulled me aside and said, "Jason, your style of preaching is scaring these children. They come from homes where their parents are always screaming at one another." My arrogant response was, "Listen, if you don't like my preaching, then you can get someone else." How goofy! After a few more years of ministry under my belt, I finally understand what this seasoned pastor was trying to tell me. "KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE, STUPID!"
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
No More Boppy
Well, it's official. Josiah completed one night without his Pacifier (Boppy). It was a rough night, but he made it.
For the past month or two, Kristie and I have been talking to our little boy about giving his Boppy away on his third birthday. So, last night we stuck to our guns even though he cried for it. It was one small step for us, but one giant leap for Josiah. =)
Manny The Baptist
Manny Johnson has been attending StoneBridge for the past two years. 2006 has been a great year for Manny. He's had some struggles (like most of us), but he has overcome with the help of the Lord and fellow StoneBridgers! I am proud to have Manny in our church. He's one of those guys who'll do whatever he can to help you.
This past summer (during CityReach), Manny announced his call to the ministry. This Sunday, he will preach his first sermon. I believe the text will come from Luke 16:19-31.
His prayer and desire for his friends is for them to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. As a matter of fact, that's StoneBridge's prayer and desire. We want our friends in Morgantown to know Jesus Christ and to become fully developing followers of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
My Ford Exploder...I Mean Explorer
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Lessons Learned (Part 1)
- Form your Prayer Teams early, and keep people informed (I still need to work on this one).
- Make sure you have your Wife and Family's full support.
- Find a Church Planting Partner (Co-Pastor).
- Raise your support (even if it takes you 12-18 months).
- Teach your people what it means to Partner with other churches in your Association.
- Put in at the beginning what you want in the end.
- Always strive for excellence.
Lessons Learned (Part 2)
- Remember, the people that you have in the beginning, probably won't be with you in the end.
- Value Worship, Small Groups, Life Transformation Groups, Children's Ministry, Technology and Graphics.
- Continue to Cast the Vision of your church every 30 days.
- Don't ever alter your vision to gain members (be willing to die for the vision).
- Never stop gathering people (knock doors, frequent the same Restaurants and Hair Salons).
- Encourage your wife to join MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) if you have younger children.
- Office at Panera Bread. =)
- Take your time, because relationships take time!
- Don't launch your church prematurely (Use this time to train leaders and workers).
Lessons Learned (Part 3)
- Embrace your meeting place (if you meet in a movie theatre, then embrace the place).
- It's not a bad thing to be a Mobile church (as a matter of fact it may be a little more flexible than having a building and land, it's definitely a lot cheaper). =)
- Take note: People in the early stages of the game will probably not be with you three years down the road.
- Find a person of peace who will gather a crowd for you.
- Visit other churches in your city to understand your community better.
- Build a Strategic Plan for reaching your community (a flow chart).
- Hang out with other church planters.
- Go to Conferences.
- Read Church Planting sites and blogs.
- Stay true to the Word of God!
- Always evaluate what you've done (Why do Coaches show film the first practice after the game?).
- Remain humble (it's not about you!).
Reflecting On The Day
What an amazing day! We had 101 people attend StoneBridge this morning. Today marked our 3rd Anniversary as a church.
Special thanks to Dustin C. for filming and editing our StoneBridge Video. To the Warner Theatre Staff for their warm, friendly, welcoming attitudes. To Ci-Ci's Pizza for donating 10 pizzas, plus dessert pizza. To all of our guests for having the courage to attend services in a movie theatre. To all of our members and regulars, you are the reason we are here!
This Rocks!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Answered Prayer
Special thanks for lifting up my mother in prayer. Today's Angiogram revealed two arteries blocked at 50%.
The good news is that she will not have to have another surgery. The bad news is that she will be battling heart disease for the rest of her life.
I am thankful for the advancements that have been made by Doctors, and those involved in the medical field. Because of their labor and devotion to people, my mother will live a longer life on this earth.
I give thanks to God for His continual watch-care over us.
One On The Chin
Thursday, November 02, 2006
This One's For Mom
My mother (my sister, Lorri in the photo above) is an amazing woman. I thank God for her influence on my life. Growing up in Southwestern Ohio (New Miami-Home of the Vikings), I understood the blue collar life and hillbillies. As a matter of fact, Hamilton's nickname is Hamil-tucky, because most of the people in Southwest Ohio are originally from Kentucky.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Pumped About Sunday
I am pumped about our 3rd Anniversary! Starting tomorrow, I will be advertising our services on WVAQ between 7:20 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.
Our church is hosting a huge day for our community. I hope the people of Morgantown will take advantage of us. =) We will have regular services at 10 a.m., then free pizza, popcorn, drinks, and BIRTHDAY CAKE! Yea, God! Yea, StoneBridge! It's going to be a blast!
If you are in Morgantown, you don't want to miss this Party for Jesus!
An Amazing Church